Monday 18 July 2011

Nursing of adults?

Nursing of adults?

is there any problem if i adult person nurses?

through spongewo...

Best answer chosen by voters

Maybe the adult increases, that consumes the breast milk, if they consume a quantity because there is much fat in breast milk.

If you nurse a child, it would not be good for the child, "" to must as it competes with the adult was for adequate nutrition. If you nurse a child, you are more certainly he/she isn\'t, he/it is robbed.

Otherwise no problem. ICH\'m envious. 67 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSSRSS Squall Leonhart actually is the fat in breastmilk easily digestable, there fore muß it hardly in the bodys stores fat is stored. therefore, your likely one wins to decrease, it completely then. the Erh searches theres also in itöhen also the metabolism

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Other Answers (11)

from Dogzilla LOL... it doesn\'t give any PHYSICAL-Problem with it certain... I would not be to sure over psychological problems, however. LOL

Go for it! 33 percent 1 voices

through zauberpf.... human female breast milk contains higher percent of the lactose. Lactose is a sugar.

I don\'t take care of the best to my knowledge, how it can harm somebody, except if they drink, also is alot diabetic from it and she/it.

I must confess to try it once. Es\'s-Bonbon...

through punkvixe.... not if you video it.... this would be something I, definately wants to see. LMAO

from Sony Kein damage, but... is... only... incorrectly....

any problems should not be from Amanda D There. Which swimmer Ihr boat!!!!!!!!!

through? BrOkEn_.... which thrill your pickle. If which brands GO you DAF more gladly das\'sÜR!

through mami2nat... it can harm no adult person, but i doesn\'t know, why you\' would become wanna,:)

through me,myself, and we can say ewwwwwwwwe I?
Except if there is a completely logical and medical reason, why... and I definitely never have heard about one.

from these r my Leute-i-Vermutung not physically, but morally thinks a problem.but theres i hello, why we don\'t drink milk of a,no her/its/their quiet injustice.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

this is a question for a mental health pro.

through ali_gato...

Because of his/its low class hid answer

thats madly!! original a monster!

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