How should I handle people curious questions about my baby?
My husband and I had only our first baby (a girl)!:)) 3 weeks ago. I met not to nurse the decision. Ive made much research on the topic and hörte from friends and relatives, that it can make your nipples sore and annoyed, and that it does sore, if they learn to snap on it. After a painful and complicated pregnancy and a difficult delivery, more pain is the last matter, that I want! Also flat I, to theückzugehen, to work in some weeks, and my husband works from at home so that it was a good decision for us. Für any reason, friends, relatives, coworkers and all other, you seem to think that they have an opinion in it how you take care of your baby. Ive had many curious people, who asked, if I plan to nurse, or if I nurse, if I tell them, "no" she/it, you, deals I is the worst mother in the world! I have my Gründe and un sticking to them. Niether I still my 3 siblings was nursed, and we were healthy children, and we grew up in order to be healthy adults. What is free with these curious people? and how I should handle the situation, if they start, persönlich, to become?from Cheshire
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You/they must justify yourself to nobody, if somebody, when you nurse, asks, you say only No.., if they ask, why only says personal reasons\' \'Für and changes the topic on her/it/them. If then she/it you still belästigen, simply you boast unequivocally that you made your decision and however, you are not to be been impolite a small one, that is fed on it, to be talked about it.Take the trouble to be polite, but you don\'t have to give any reasons and justification to your decisions, she/it is your baby, and it is your life! If then of Gr youünde gives, you give, you populate ammunation in order to attack with it. Be strong and do this, with which you are glad and comfortable. You/they are no other people, and she/it kyour life leads önnen\'t or brings you to it, him/it her/its/their way, to live.
Congrats on the baby BTW 100 percent 1 election save to! ! RSS
Other Answers (10)
from Jamia, she/it/they are simply not concerned by you. if they become make her/it/them for the same matter in the same situation, as you are at the moment.
i decided not to nurse my son, because had to go back i to the work asap, and if nursed him/it i, would not be capable i to serve this well, because always feeds him/it i or milk must express. and guess something, my baby also is simply fine, healthy at a horse.
through honee76 being complete your decision of no one of there businesses.
But if it really annoys you, if people bother, do you only tell them, you plan to breast feed like the hell, they will know whether you or assorted formula pumped?
or you are able to go back for them to away says
from Natasha:, you tell them is your baby, and your body is.
Is no one of her/its/their business.
Essentially tell them to f*ck of your life.
from Priscill... it is nobodies-Unternehmen, but you and your husbands.. people is so emotional on this object from any reason.. ignores you it
through precisely m quiet I and loves it, BUT I respect people decision to fill feed, completely, I made also with my first as well as a little bit of of nursing, it is niemand\'s-Unternehmen as you nourish your child, and never beautifully, you, to do feeling like a bad mother. Don\'t fühlt itself guiltily. You/they k"Ich only say önnten has very good personal reasons for bottle feeding. She/it will lock up this and hopefully will bring her/it/them to it such a pers, badly after it,, to ask önliche question, to seek.
Take worry and congratulations at your 3 weeks old!!
from ThisIsME. Well first from Glückwunschen to your new small girl! :)
I think the breast feeding / bottle feeding matter sometimes is like world war 3. Some people do what YOU/THEY think, is right and bemüht, to preach it on other people. Her/its/their decision, abzuf,üllen, lives, fits your family and your needs and them shouldn\'t every other explanation needs as this. If you begin, itself uncomfortably with the way too fühlen, people respond, they only tell that it was your own personal decision and you would like, that they respect this. In the end, she/it is your daughter, not theirs. Don\'t believes being from Ihrem one through all means "bad mother", because you are bottle feeding.
from Meaux, you simply are no bad mother because you formula feed. Don\'t ließ somebody you brand feeling this way. You/they place auf\'t, this earns. Brustfno mommy makes a big mommy ütterung for all of an abrupt one. Es\'s only the way of nature, the child becomes ernährt, to guarantee. But people are near-minded and place auf\'t, individual Umst understandsände. If they start, you too belästigen, you say something only like it, "look, I to be impolite doesn\'t intend, but this lowermost line is this: I am formula feeding. This not silence. Leave it alone." My husband was also fed formula. He/it is intelligent and healthy, almost never becomes sick! Dort\'s nothing wrong with formula. Sie\'wieder of doing of a großer matter for your baby.
from Breann, I have old twin boys 5 months and while I nurse one of them completely, I am a hard matter for formula, that feeds the other, medical reasons, completely das\'s, in order to explain people, that are unduly curious and incredibly judgmental.
As you know, it is difficult, that to negotiate with people, this likes, but it must be done. You/they können them either politely says that decided you you and your husband to formula feed, and if they protest, you tell them that not es\'s on for discussion. The others Mit is öglichkeit for it if something amounts you t aufsetzen,es to tell a small white lie. Only, you tell them quietly, thereß you a medical condition has that does it, so that you can, produces breast milk \'t. Most people become so bad fühlen, that they will interject it. Not very honestly, but does, you really worry if not es\'s somebody, that is important?
Be successful with all and always, know that you do what is right for you and your family!
from Ga&Du\'s Mom My son, lactose was intolerant, therefore I had to stop to work him/it as a nurse with four weeks..., but I found that people still asked me whether I was care, and quite snooty as I answered, I was not! Before I could give them a reason, würden throws she/it her/its/their disapproval or holds even me a lecture!
I found that speaking helped really unequivocally and confidently. Only opinion "we chose too formula/bottle-Futter as it was the best decision for our family." they should you in silence with him/it, as it, lassen\'S NO ONE of HER/ITS/THEIR BUSINESS! If they ask, why, you ask her/it/them why they want to know!
from Abbies-Mumie, #2. fälliger 7. März, congratulations to your baby girl!
I dont knows, why people, that it is no one of her/its/their business, feel you feed your child which way! People können so impolite and ignorant is.
You/they conserve both -
Ignore the question altogether... therefore, if they ask, only you change the topic altogether although maybe this is a little extreme, his/its single one, if the person responds negatively if you answer that it becomes a problem,
Or, if they ask, if your nurses only answer \'no\', you then change the topic or if they throw you a dirty gaze or take the trouble to hold you a lecture, you say \'good-by\' only and goes away exactly. , Thats this, which I gewählt would have, however, why should you justify your decision on them, must?)
The other alternative would be to be answered with your reasons, why... (. difficult delivery, the fact, that you bring back to the work and so on soon,
Hope that this helps. Only ignore those curious people, and geniusßen you your baby. This topic is very important for any reason, there, To populate ß, and many people for one of both side the debate very opinionated is. You/they monly recognizes üssen, it is everyone to her/its/their own one and is not her/its/their worry, as somebody else pulls up her/its/their child.
I nursed exclusively for 7mths, this fitted me finely because un a sahm, but this partially was because of my daughter point gap, that rejects bottles, it took until 7mths old ones of 6wks old ones, before I brought her/it/them to assume one bottle, and I became so relieved as she/it did that I disaccustomed only her/its/their completly. Introduce yourself if this happens w to youäre,... It would have been a nightmare and a left you incapable to return to the work. Also, if nursing of his/its alot in order to bring baby more heavily into a routine and you very little sleep gets, at least if you to theückgehen, going works, your husband will be, capable going helps with the nightfeedings so that you can get more sleep a little one. You/they obviously have the best decision für your family met, therefore thats all of this matters.x
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