Monday, 18 July 2011

Why does my hubby present this way over our first pregnancy?

Why does my hubby present this way over our first pregnancy?

As Hubby and I as well as for us with really wanted children went out, as talked also about it to have a quantity for them. He/it got even the book, what, to expect, is, as your expecting, and read it, or at least parts of it, we talked over all big matters, that we wanted to do with our children, and the dreaming matter made only kinda.
We started to trouble us immediately, but didn\'t have good luck.
We started to have approximately 6 months of problem, after we had been married, and matters became quite rocky. After 3 years, I found from myself, was pregnant, während I in the middle of moving out was.
I am impressed been not during the pregnancy with him/it with all. EinigesEiniges of the stuff, that he/it says and does, is simply strange, I moved from and we living together now, and rarely, you see eachother, as it a bißchen of a drive is.
Is some examples here:
The first time, we went baby purchases, that he/it did the looking at the price appendages from stuff and saying, that he/it could get for his/its car (that he/it tried at the moment to soup upward) for this or this part, for the price of the baby piece.
If I took the trouble to talk with him/it about this, like which they will look, you think about hair color, color looks at and so on, the single matter is, that he/it says, that our twin daughters will smoke hotly and "big breasts have, he/it used a less correct word, but I it exactly."
He/it came over and built the manger incorrectly and would not repair it. Had, it my Vatilösung, to have, and not because hubby isn\'t capable.
ErEr took money of the account, that I had put for the motherhood permission ($500) aside, and won\'t pay back it, he/it then earns more money 6 times, I do and at the moment, I am on bedrest and cannot work.
Every time if he/it and I talk, he/it talks about matters, he/it wants that we make do without the children, I plan this all he/it on back with him/it over not, however. he/it wants to drive to Mexico and the babies with Großeltern leave. He/it kann\'t wait til she/it is in the school, so that we have time together alone,.. we becomes all this gro onceßartigen data without the children, whom he/it gets his/its new work and so on, have
As I talked with him/it about it, nurses and this, to want stuff, this I learned, he/it asked, when participates I him/it in adult, that nurses, would leave, for everyone, that doesn\'t know, is this a type of sexual fetish.
IchIch was in the hopsital for over one week with complications and although I had told him/it, before I, why I was there, was admitted, I, that was found from him/it, didn\'t have any ground why and had not disturbed to call and to ask for more info.
What is with him/it upward? If he/it becomes ver for himself oncealters, the babies are here? Any advice? If is this straight männliche behavior?


Best answer chosen by Asker

I can speak only of \'normal behavior\' opposite my own pregnancies with my husband, 2 children 2 miscarriages and preg w #3 with it 5 preg-Gesamtsumme, and this have been they for matter of normal long ago. Part of it sounds like him/it, is of eagernessüchtig, that the babies of a quantity of your attention, the trips and the data will get out w from the children, part of it seems him/it similar, doesnt the money wants to pass out the auto stuff, that he/it could do vs baby pieces, in order to get ethem-wichtige matters, some only, adult breast feeding, disturbs esp since is a pain, that the milk constantly lets pass on all, you, that are won, \'t him/it around those jugs:, or the part of them, that are hot, wants about.. this is not any pole chick his/its daughters, I don\'t think, that this like he/it will blow across, thinks and I also believe that it is wise, that you don\'t plan as you moved in with him/it back, not at least immediately. It sounds like you, puts in on mommyhood, and ot-Zwillinge, thereß yay and he/it degressing and going back to childish ways is. The manger thig is it rehearses it simply foully bc and didn\'t want to admit, he/it made itt-Unrecht... and für the hospital matter is he/it only an one * *, but it seems similar, that he/it had, the info was, that he/it, important, thought, you were O.K., he/it knew, what was wrong, but that is everything, which he/it wanted to know. He/it seems similarly, that he/it is not in the Berührung-w-Wirklichkeit and many signs show, from which and maybe he/it thinks that if he/it prepares her/it/them doesn\'t for her/it/them before lived, you and lives comes become be as it was in advance. Maybe as far as advice müssen you only one therapists sees, so that you have an expert opinion and get any good management as this, what you must do, and gets maybe only to work off to somebody, that isnt in your near circle of friends, so that they won, \'t that all know what goes on and so on, and sees, if it gives you a new outlook on him/it and this, what goes on?? luck and one doesn\'t have removed him/it your big moment from both way and has a glad baby!
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Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks. I wasn\'t sure, if this w a normal way of copingäre, or not.
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Other Answers (2)

from Phoebe bull He sounds like a freak, nobody comments hotly on her/its/their own child being, abuse lets this write everything about it in the future.

normal behavior is not at all from Tere Chap It. Most Männer is over the moon over having children. You/they and I unfortuneately became with Mput together the weren\'t ännern interested. It sounds like him/it, is of eagernessüchtig on how much time, if you will dedicate your children, jealously, that they get to have your breasts, that they feed, where my Exehemann was jealous, I was told because \'they belong to me\'. It definitely is not alone easy rise your children, but it sounds as if Sie\'ll is better at it. Guarantee, thereEndures of ß you your ground and what is the best for you and your children, does those precious small people become the most astonishing gift of Sie\'ll per given.


been there, this had.

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