Monday, 18 July 2011

Wants, he/it nurses if it is done by husband?

Wants, he/it nurses if it is done by husband?

it will be as good for adults like for baby. i middle wil, the für normal adults for dringking well will milk????

from Wiccan~M...

Best answer chosen by Asker

This depends on you. But if the woman gegenwärtig a CHILD nurses, you could interferers in your milk, that she/it produces for the child, very much production(how if you make it too much. And although breast milk extremely healthy for babies there is, s not much in it for an adult.
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Other Answers (4)

jerk sure through niceguy on a chair and gets a napkin

through foggily blue really if you want, it goes for it, nobody cannot tell you. more power over you

through brisbane b why didnt that you only say that I can stink on my partners, * * * * with her nurses??? certainly can you! Geschmäcke like shit me is said, my seminal fluid donor tried it, but hello, you sprout yourself! which absorption your imagination:,


been taken care of there that....

through beagle1 humanely, milk is dear and a little thinner as Kühe-Milch, but it doesn\'t taste good badly. People (even babies) are no idiots, and become für until two years of her/its/their life no bad tasty meal eats.
However, I would not make this to your single source of the nutrition, and if you drink a quantity, you will bring your wife to producing way more as the baby needs.

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