RAMADAN: Why is Quranists hated so very much?
Finished AllesAlles what they do, is supported by the Koran, for example,:maybe a menstruating Quranist-Frau presents salad (prayer) in 1, you enter a mosque and touches a quran, like the quran of only menstruating women of sexual intercourse or the marriage of a new man to the first three menstrual cycles, to leave her/its/their husband, the Koran prohibits, that doesn\'t offer any further mention of menstruation-relatives prohibitions.
2, as the quran-Erwähnungen only 3 prayers of names any Quranists-Konzern prayer like Shias, although some 5 times like Sunnis pray. Quranists doesn\'t say also the Tarawih.
3, the lot of zakat (alms). Hadithists puts on sekund 2.5 percent of her/its/their wealth into a stipulated type and formulasäre-Quellen based on the disposal, while a quranist is so much freely to be donated or small, as they wish it. In the action, that gives Qur\'ein to itself, at, thereß it no sentence quantity, that should be given as Zakat, gives.
4, trimming, either male or woman, no role in Quranist-Theologie plays.
55, of orthodox Muslim is encouraged to dress on the manner of the prophet Muhammad or his/its wives. Clothing prevails, no role in Quranist-Theologie plays differently than, thereß the persons dress low as surah 24:30.31 says. Is hijabs for example or Bärte not necessary.
6, Quranists doesn\'t hold, that to nurse a not-relative adult man, will do him/it, mahram, while any Sunni Muslim, whom scholars said, that it does. See; Rada (fiqh)
77, Quranists doesn\'t believe in the emergence of the Imam Mahdi or dajjal, because they are not mentioned in the Koran.
8, Quranists can eat from Christians and Jews of produced meals, as teaches 5:5 in surah.
9, Quranists doesn\'t touch the black stone of the kaaba.
EinigesEiniges of the punishements, that they reject it,:
1, the death penalty for apostates, as this punishment is absent in the Koran,; and discouraged in sura, is like 2:256 or 18:29.
2, when stoning for adultery. Instead, Quranists follows the quranschrieb \'s fine by 100 Prügel before, as the Koran doesn\'t distinguish in this punishment, through the application of the word \'Zina\', for fornicators or adulterers, Arabic:??????) in surah 24:2. the orthodox Shariah-Gesetz turns Prügel to only fornicators loudly the Koran, but stoning to adulterers according to Sunnah, at;
3, the request, that the four witnesses of zina during the coitus must have seen clear penetration, although this strict request rarely is applied in practice, only four witnesses against zina demanded like the Koran.
4, death penalty of the homosexual. The Koran erwähnt no punishment for homosexuality differently than in a certain hint to prophet Lut\'s-Gemeinde, a punishment, who administers God alone. Quranists tends instead, Homosexualität, to regard as a sin, that is punishable in the life alone of God after the death,;
5, death penalty for practicians of witchcraft or wizards.
DeshalbDeshalb... if everything what they do, is supported btw by the Koran (with which the Hadith disagrees), why are they hated Muslim by mainstream?
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Wait, skin ace, that is not I!2
through life Lebensguru
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And if you obey, you, most of him/it, in the earth, follow, she/it is you inform incorrectly way/path from god, whom they follow besides the assumption/suspicion, and that she/it, is, besides lying/speculating. Koran 6:116Although I don\'t call myself a Quranist, but I understand the reason, why is threatened the Sunni and Shia-Sekten mainly by them. It has more, with nascent challenged to do, you become associate it with no sect from Quranist or Muslim, that prefer, to theück her/its/their claims. Obviously which können she/it not no matter, how roughly they take the trouble. Because she/it no case für the Hadith-Literatur can do, s-Echtheit therefore has "you no knowledge", and, to grant to "your wishes, becomes euphemisms for it, you hold the mouth and listen you. important können she/it no practicable claim, that obeys the messenger means, about Bukhari does, and not the logical follows his "official" communication. Still können she/it does not even an exclusive claim "on" the Sahaba as the basis of her/its/their belief, because each sect claims this.
Despite the deceptive designed terminologies like "science of Hadith and "agreement of the scholar", her/its/their claims neither are scientific in natures, still on agreement based. If somebody decides, she/it on these sensational Lügen, to call out, is the leadership of these sects threatened and to her/its/their sect loyally centric colors, they give her/its/their subjected one of a brainwashing to hapless foot soldiers to go at the offensive to protect around her/its/their personal positions. Which better way to make it different, as the time path of the hate prüfte.
His/its mind, that stares, in order to think, that God wanted, that we first wait a few hundred year, after explained this the perfection and the wholeness of the religion. Then, you trust, thereß some gentlemen through hundred of thousand of Hadiths sieve becomes, within an impossible schedule. Verify to do each Hadith as either true or wrong without one single mistake, erkleras you then by 1 percent so authentic and doesn\'t reject you 99 percent as worthy from saving. , To confuse us further, the gentlemen were not correct on it in agreement the 1 percent, that saved. Once we ignore the obvious Widersprüche in this body of Hadith and takes every word so true at and beyond the challenge. Then develop our every living moment about this "infallible" bodies of the knowledge, you assume the "agreement of the scholar" that this is what is meant by God and obeying of the messenger by obeying. I am sorry, but you müssen cuckoo is in order to fall for it.
WeiterhinWeiterhin during us God again and again informs, that Koran is easy to understand, we must emerge to the idea of an external "explanation" of secondary sources in order to explain the explanation, Koran 11:01 and 75:19 from God and even that for only 86 from 114 chapters, Bukhari\'s missed explanations, indeed we must rollover to the idea that this secondary explanation can then be explained only by somebody, that one decade or institutions certain so long must visit, while God imposes His none such condition, declared stanzas of the primary document.
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- Big answer, thank you.
"And they ask you about menstruation. Opinion, "It is damage, you therefore stay away from women during the menstruation. And nähern you itself them not, until they are pure,..."
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Jamil Mccant Wenn a Mrs. Geschlecht has and is in a state of Janabah, she/it becomes uncertain, but the man still has sex with her again, because, although she/it is not pure, the same threat of the damage not there is. Now, thereß we justified that, for which harming does a menstruating women pose make to a mosque? ICH\'m not a Qur\'anist btw...Report abuse
Other Answers (10)
through Faith Life guru, it declares very healthy. The type is a genius.
I don\'t know why Muslim want to believe in the Hadiths, that very often disagrees with the Koran.
from Beery, because religion, through his/its nature, is divided.
from Naas, Quranist is this? What is Quranist? Never hörte it.
You/they are everywhere.
from Sadia I dont hates each Muslim brother or a sister.
Lets talk about some of the points.
1, why not be allowed women to have intercourse, while they menstruate? because they are not pure! Therefore like can, somebody, that is not pure, is enter mosques you and prays and berührt the Koran?
2, all i can do here, shaking is my head
3, 2.5 percent is the minimum quantity to be payed. Natwe can pay more ürlich if we wish.
4, you fluctuate my head again. It is well known, thereß male trimming in the future men before illnesses and uncomfortableness protects.
5, the prophet Sallallahu\'alaihi of wa Sallam is our leader, and for women, his/its wives are our leaders. You/they showed us, like Islam auszupractices is.
6, knows dont from it
7, more fluctuating from head
The Koran definitely is a source our number. The most authentic source
But we cannot reject the Sunnah of the prophet any Muhammad Sallallahu\'alaihi of wa Sallam
Rasool SAllallahu\'alaihi wa Sallam is our leader, our model, who showed us, as Islam is to be practiced.
"Opinion (O Muhammad): \'if you (really) love Allah, you follow me! Allah will then love you and your Sünden forgives.\' and Allah All forgives, totally Gnädig."}, Sura Al Imraan verses: 31,
This stanza clearly tells us that we must follow the Sunnah of the Propheten-Sallallahu\'alaihi-wa Sallam,
Allah knows the bestfrom Choko the unwise sect of al-Qur\'aaniyyeen
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
There is a deviant group of people, who claim, to follow the Koran only, and not the Sunnah of the sacred prophet (SEE). you please provide us with scholarly proof, thereß she/it on the wrong path is, therefore we can geben\'wah for them there, Insha Allah.
Praise is to Allaah.
Some people began to claim that the Sunnah is no source of the legislation. You/they call yourself "al-Qur\'aaniyyeen" and says, that we have the Qur\'aan, so that always we something as Hal-lazes takes, it allows it and always takes something, that prohibits it, as haraam. DerDer Sunnah, according to her/its/their claims, is from the messenger of Allaah, peaces and blessing of Allaah fälschlicherweise attributed fabricated ahaadeeth fully, you are on him/it, you are the successors of other people, over whom the messenger of Allaah, peaces and blessing of Allaah is on him/it, we told. Ahmad, Abu Dawood and al-Haakim told about al-Miqdaam with a saheeh isnaad, thereß the messenger of Allaah, peaces and blessing of Allaah from him/it is, said: "Soon, there will be a time, as a man will lean back on his/its couch and tells a hadeeth about me, and he/it will say, \'inter us and you is the book of Allaah: that is, what it says, Hal-lazes, we take as Hal-lazes, and that is haraam, what it says, we take as haraam.\', but hört to! At all, the messenger of Allaah prohibits, is like what prohibits Allaah"., Al-Fath-al-Kabeer, it reported 3/438. Al-Tirmidhi with other formulation, and said, thereß it hasan saheeh is. Sunan al-Tirmidhi-bi Sharh Ibn al, \'Arabi, al-Saawi-edn., 10/132, that Namens-al-Qur\'aaniyyeen stands, these people, beca, not at
Her/its/their suggestion that the Sunnah" is contaminated ahaadeeth "with fabricated is not valid, because the scholars of this ummah extremely took them/her/it from worry to clean the Sunnah of all foreign elements. If she/it any doubts about the truthfulness of any oreählers would have, or there was the easiest possibility, that he/it could have forgotten something, would be this enough reason for it to reject a hadeeth. Even the enemies of this ummah boasted, thereß no other nation of examining of his/its reports and her/its/their narrators so much attention gave, particularly in the case of the reports told from the messenger of Allaah, peaces and blessing of Allaah is on him/it.
It is DafDafür, that was obligatory, to follow a hadeeth for enough for it, that became known, that it is sound a saheeh genuinely, told hadeeth from the messenger of Allaah, peaces and blessing of Allaah is on him/it. the prophet, peaces and blessing of Allaah is on him/it, was there contentedly to mediate his/its communication through the sending of only one of his/its companions, that proves,ß that of a trustworthy person reported hadeeth must be followed.
Moreover, we would ask these people: where is the aayaat this told us how praying is, or this us says, that the obligatory prayers are five times daily, or this us on different types of wealth for the purpose of zakaah over the nisaab, or over the details of the rituals of Hajj, and other decisions, that we can distinguish only from the Sunnah, tells?
Al-Mawsoo\'ah-al-Fiqhiyyah, 1/44,
FürFür more information about the shar\'i-Beweis that the Sunnah of the prophet, peaces and blessing of Allaah is on him/it, a source of the proof is, you see Question #604.
Islam Q&A
Sheik Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
/ a/i/identity/nopic_48.gif" id = "yav-4" >through????????????? Abdulmalik, that you are not Muslim, after rejecting many stanzas, that order us to follow the Sunnah. As such, they are not following Qur\'ein. sooner, Satan. Also, because they claim to be Muslim, während she/it the Qur rejects, one so unequivocally is hypocrites she/it. And für the hypocrites will be the lowest level of the hell.
Did they wish his/its true religion, Islam, to change this, what God promised to protect, and not expect any suitable punishment from God? Now, here they aim für the lowest level of the hell.
4:145. exactly, the hyprocrites will be in the lowest depths (degree) of the fire; no helper becomes, you find für she/it.
4:146. ouchßer makes those, that, from hypocrisy, regret, righteous good actions, grip fast to Allah, and cleans her/its/their religion for Allah, through adoring no one besides Allah, and only, not to braggart, makes good for Allah\'s-Sake then, they will be with the believers. And Allah becomes a große reward for the believers grants.
from Atiqa, most of your statements are wrong, but the others cleared up the mistakes, so that won\'t repeat me i. Where did you get this? please don\'t believe any such stuff.
Also, Sunni and Shiya are completely different. although caste systems are not allowed in Islam, these two groups follow other belief. Muslim are called both, but Shiya follows another prophet as a prophet Muhammad differently. As far as it i weiß, this is the difference although it is written into different forms and text and detail.
My point is, doesn\'t confuse the two and doesn\'t place her/it/them into the same type.
from Abd, the Muslim\'s majority doesn\'t have any ground of this of the Quranists ARE in the world, let alone hates her/it/them. Quranists, from the fundamentalist clergy of traditional Islam, doesn\'t tend even all traditionalist ministers geha so, To become ßt. You/they become fhated ür the following reason: they challenge the authoritarian structure, that does traditional Islam.
Traditional Islam preaches, that his/its scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and therefore the scholars have the authority to decide, which Islam and this which it says over certain questions is. Quranists-Herausforderung of the idea and not only, thereß, they hope to reconstruct Islam after Koranic principles. SieSie see, thereß Islam completely beyond the acknowledgment the opposite of the Koran of something was changed.
This is why they are hated.
through man of Khandhar-Leuten, that follows the word of God, alone can never is wrong. I don\'t have any name of them ouchßer him/it, that she/it are Muslim. People, who follow the Koran, würden some of the matters, that you said, doesn\'t agree. Also, people, that follow the Koran, at all prophets, and were this Mohamed, believe the last of them. Koran only!
through????????????? lyfisatest, that they are wrong, _, they reject hadeeth Astaghfirullah
More information about Quranists can be found on the Quranists Network website