Muslims?What think you almost adult nursing?
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anIslamic Fatwa,and of me is not well,this.4
from Gandalf?
Best answer chosen by voters
I am no Moslem..., but I am in favor of it. , Certainly nestled nat under a blanketürlich is therefore exposed the sight of a human nipple our won Kinder\'t and rolls my eyes and my lmao 50 percent 2 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to it! ! RSSOther Answers (10)
from Kalooka, it is ridiculous. 25 percent 1 voices
from Diane (PFLAG) to each thier, as you yearn as both parties, you admit agrees..
from ZER0 C00L?? is?? VT?? such a matter exists?? 25 percent 1 voices
through gjmb1960 Hannah something holds you the stepping of adult barrel?
through moderates you * * * * * * * * Muslim can kiss me.
through apostoli... I believes, that you should pray over it,
through??? * ` *? Farah??? * ` *? seemingly doesn\'t have the others, that answered this question, from this lächerlichen hears have call "fatwa" with it from a moron, that embodies everything, which went incorrectly into the Islamic religious scene nowadays. Unfortunately, many unqualified people believe, thereß it the easiest matter in the world, in order to spend, is a "fatwa". you make it für attention or personal profit or which others down bottom and doesn\'t provide, that they confuse people and give Islam a bad name. People, who land, \'t has, every idea over the true nature of Islam will judge because of such idiotic actions and behavior opposite some Islam so Muslim called. Those idiots should hold only the mouth and true scholars leave, that know, that fatwa, about what they talk.
from Luv Peace in contrast to child that nurses??
what exactly do you ask? there are none such matter as adult, that nurses,.. es\'s, nursing only and it, is not, we it worover thinks,.. it gives food in the Mütter-Milch, that doesn\'t come from any other source, so that it is recommended in Islam, recommend so much as well as the doctors it here.
through Adam T Gefühl, this tried something? If you go so far, maybe you also go in the whole way. Breast milk caramel and Käse.
Cannot say that I want each part of it.
silence adults through wolf is sick and stupid. An adult doesn\'t need any breastmilk. And es\'s against our religion.
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