Monday, 18 July 2011

Pregnant, during using of condoms AND nursing?

Pregnant, during using of condoms AND nursing?

I have 3 kids,so, I feel the answers shouldknow like myself meanwhile!!
I became use pregnant we for my most recent, during my middle child\'s silence, the \'rythem\' or natural family, that method plans, and of course, as a result became pregnant\' \'of course.
Now quiet I again and we use condoms faithfully every time if we actually get to have sex,lol.
The last few days, that my boobs were, also constricted really badly BIGGER and MORE EXACTLY tender.I.
NOTE:I didn\'t have still any postpartum-Periode this time.
These are the same symptoms I, that am had with my last two pregnancies,......
How often does pregnancy occur, as using of condoms?

Please,serious answers only,I\'m one married adult.

Additional details

My baby is almost 6 months old and doesn\'t sleep through the night, he/it still works as a nurse every 3 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours with night.
He/it is not on solids and is nursed exclusively.
Thought I, that I ovulated approximately one month ago, had really ew cm myself, but with any period, I didn\'t assume that I was wrong.
I have ew-mögen one little then had cm from the time on.
We very often don\'t have any sex with 3 small children and are extremely careful with the condom application.


from Jennifer

Best answer chosen by voters

Now, perfect application of the condoms would result in 98 percent of effectiveness, but we learn & more and more, that the typical application effectiveness installment is for condoms by 85 percent. therefore es\'s definitely möglich, that you can become pregnant, while you use condoms.

But, if you didn\'t have still any postpartum-Periode, this could simply be your body, that tries to obtain to ovulate to prepare itself upward. I place wei auf\'tß, how old your baby or your style of nursing is, but both can influence like and if you are likely to continue to have cycles. If there of details you your questionover adds wants to add, how old your baby is, and whether you use all bottles, or if your baby sleeps through the night, I can add any information about it adds, like probably it is before your first postpartum-Periode, to ovulate.


If you nurse completely, and your baby is fewer than 6 months old, then, your chances are to be become pregnant less as 2 percent as it, even without the condom application, you yearn as you didn\'t have any menstrual bleeding. This is based on the Milchabsonderung-amenorrhea-Methode and the Bellagio Consensus. Für women, whose babies are less as 6 months old, are the chances that they will ovulate before her/its/their first postpartum-Periode, exactly, very low. Therefore, if you use condoms and harbor, \'t placed your cycles still away, it is very much very unlikely, thereß you pregnant is!

As soon as 6 months turns your baby for itself, and you start to feed solid meal, then your likelihood of ovulating, before your first period goes upward. Because you have many EW, CM, k youönnten itself fertility brings closer.



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Other Answers (3)

through * Aleiha \'s Mom and TTC * I never heard, getting from somebody pregnant, while I used a condom correctly wholes without down-sliding or after the running out date. Maybe vergaßen you it a time? Maybe after a night from or a couple Gläser from wine, I know, that you nurse, but maybe you stumbled and discarded.
That is the main reason, that I want an IUD according to this baby, because my husband and I don\'t want to have a 2. Child now, but if is, both is "hotly" we could take the risk and could have sex without a condom.

you know about Ethel You, it would be very strange, if you had a condom break, it is VERY obvious if they break, but maybe, if your husband didn\'t withdraw his/its erection, that is possible to spill any seed on your vulva it, before loosing, and this can make you pregnant.

Finished universe what I know is, I let condoms broken, it is very obvious, and I became pregnant with my second son without between delivery my eldest, to have a period, I ovulated celiac-Krankheit 9 months later after his/its birth (repressed ovulation of the c-Teil) and breast feeding, so technically I menstruated 9+9+12 months or long more not.

through Braddon\'s mommy, condoms are effective approximately 98 percent if you check the back of the crate, of which it will inform you exactly. You/they should not rely alone on nursing. It however, I resembled myself my baby 3 months to have a period was also on pills/implanon.

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