Monday, 18 July 2011

Are $200.00 per week, everyone Friday, enough money for food and gas for my beautiful wife?

Are $200.00 per week, everyone Friday, enough money for food and gas for my beautiful wife?

Our family is 2 adults, and 1 toddlers and 1 infants, who nurse.
My wife is a stay with Heimatmama, a big one with it, she/it no gas need like me therefore does, you work 7 days per week: D.

through saved_by...

Best answer chosen by voters

This would suffice to feed my family of four. We have to adults, and two grown children however babies is a quantity more dearly because of the diapers, wipes and so on, you ask her/it/them whether it is working. 20 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other answers, 1 - 30 out of 49,

through quiet That should be fine.

Consent, people. I drive everywhere and takes my children to activities and trains every day and picking up of them, when driving to stores, paying bills and current purchases and I pass out only $20 to $30 per week in gas.
I let a family of 4 - 2 primary schools deposit children and my and my husband. We give only ungefähr $120 to $130 per week in foods from.
Seriously, $200 for gas and food should be fine. You are, what the meal bevölkern that es\'s any higher than this??

from Jenny J, I believe, that you should go shopping with your wife, and how much it takes in order to start your household adequately sees,

through Kevin c not in this economy

from Maxwell\'s hammer corrugate, here a really good way is to be found out. Zählen you how much together, she/it spends every week on gas and foods.

from Josephin.... Yep!

I have 2 children, and pass out approximately 150 in foods and very little in gas, I also am a stay with Heimatmama.

People, I don\'t believe that he/it talks about his/its whole paycheck. he/it gives f to his/its wife Geldür food and the gas, that she/it needs. then, he/it takes care of the other matters.

through Curtis Mom and #2 on the way, I know that my husband and i approximately 130 for food spends, is every two weeks and this only the two from us. The schließt also no gas one. So, I believe, thereß 200 one week long suffices.

from joy $200 of week? thats-Fülle!... id throws her/it/them $50 particular to let her/its/their going get her/its/their hair and nails tho took care of!

through ~ Carolyn... I says $200 per week for this and maybe $50 per week for matters, that she/it wants. Remember, thereß gas dearly is!!! also, between meal, diapers, that cleans supplies,... I spends $200 per week easily!


Select mommy with 3 children

through ~ * ~ Jaydin\'s mommy ~ * ~ this then is, i gets.. lol.. my husband gives me $250 every other week.., so that thinks i, this suffices for her/it/them..

from Lovey Depends on, where you live, and if there are any chimney factors like lactose intolerant, and so on like over you you ask her/it/them, not we.

through miarose, I could one little too much is, you take the trouble to minimize it if possibly. if she/it fähig then is to be cooked, this should brighten your bill a small one, but if that Babys-Unterhalt then employs her/it/them, maybe she/it turns towards frozen dinners. one from both way, if that, you only food, is that little too far you one goes, spends on what. It könnte also on it depends, where you and which grocery store live, from which you buy.


my family 2 adults, a baby,

from i-Fehltreffer, that lives in Tokyo! yes

through shaneeiu un a stay with Heimatmama also. I use f by 150-200 per weekür foods and gas suffice, that should. Für 2 adults and a toddler.

through kaylasim... i believes, that that is enough. , thereß 800 dollars per month. on it abhängend, if you go, has to buy you sould once per week or every two weeks of food, sufficiently still. and place vergi auf\'tßt, that you must get the most expensive brands or nothing like it,

from jon.nich... I secures hope with it... I has a woman and THREE children and only you have $200 finished for gas and food TWO WEEKS after the bills were paid all.

from Mrs. Mendoza if his/its single foods and gas... this should suffice.

That to assume all other bills, worry occupied from it is.

Well it removes the driving of how much about cocoa breath, she/it must do. My family is the same Größe, I stick with at home with the babies, and we survive finely with 500/month for food.
, But I drive no more. We use Public trans, therefore is the costs for purchase, that run, lower than yours. And I nurse, therefore we buy 2 cans of formula only per month, 10 percent 1 voices

from Momto2in... I would say with it. ICH\'m a working mommy and my husband and I both works a hour of home. We have the two from us and a toddler. And I muß lunches for daycare for my son do.

We pass out $140 per week approximately for food, softness or reception. And gas, ughhh! We give as well as ungefähr $100 for our car from, as also, trucks drive every week.

I believe that it sounds almost right. But honestly, sie\'ll muß only a budget and a stick with it places. Cut coupons, look für sales, you, \'d is surprised, as those pennies are correct in savings.

And possibly see BJ\'s memberships in Sam\'s club, Costco. You/they have ever cheaper gas bem with Sam\'s and weühen us always, to buy in large quantities, if we can help him/it. Nothing meaning however wir\'ll buys meats and shatters freezing it. Oder determined Gefrierschrankmahlzeiten for mögen stuffed chickens breast. It saves money for you, if you in großen quantities buy. At least it makes für us.

from Nat Depends on, where you live. City to city, country to country, food and necessities können itself very much in costs alters. It hängt taxes of cartages from, suppliers, the list goes on.
I agree to the above mentioned comment. Goes, that with your wife over a few weeks and finding for itself how much, that it costs, out shops
Yes I noticed, that you work seven days per week, if to actually leave the house to visit a shopping center, doesn\'t come impossibly, it organizes the food bills and works out.
The best I am sure from luck that your beautiful wife deems herself happily to have you.

through knights one you does 200 per week, or do you give only one percent to something you your doing from it?

If It was your making ones per week a good idea in 200 to find a better work, if with totally possibly. I wit says ürde that however, it should remove enough of it, how you all with your eating habits and how much are, the car is used.

from cart driver and Ross\'s Mommy If, she/it is a very thrifty buyer, who can be made for it. ICH\'m a very thrifty Käufer and I brought down our food bill for $100 every two weeks. Let bought her/it/them offbrand-Zeug, matters of sale, you use coupons, you go to L and so onäden like BigLots and DollarTree for certain stuff.... It can be done.

through pride mommy in sense on the other answers... reads you the question!!! he/it didn\'t ask, whether it would be enought in order to start the household. He/it asked, whether it für his/its family, to eat on it, and for his/its wife, sufficed that one week long on drove. Healthy lets see... I würde says that because she/it often uses gas her/it doesn\'t and you only buy for essentially three people... I thinks over 200 per week, should $800 per month, after, you would be capable to buy for three people in one month of gas and meal. That is three people, who land, \'t fährt very much. Also cosideration brings in, to where you, and how much diff in costs, live, there is in order to go in for mining compared in your area... I sees, thereß some people say, that you need another work, and this doesn\'t suffice to lift a family. Well this is not this, about which you asked, and natI am ürlich sure, that you already know, it doesn\'t suffice to lift your family on it. & Days per week however. Guarantee your getting in also in any family time. You/they need you at home, needs as very much as she/it, thereß you works.
God Bless

Mexico,because moves many pensioners of Charlie S need into America there.

from Mrs. Hellen well back this really on it removes something exactly you buys, and where you drive exactly..., if your family healthy/organic/kosher or eats matters like it, as won\'t cut it in 200,...
$200 per week are in my case, me and my daughter (otherwise nobody) more than good. ICH\'m one economic Mad little! :)

Although you said EXPRESSLY for food and gas,... still something is history other a whoooole...

through Canadian beavers, who work for us at the moment.

If you speak $200/wk for food and gas, and the other bills/mortg then is paid this is enuf, it lives within your means.

It really depends on Carebear on it, where you and the costs of living and how much live for you, types also eat.

I believe in my household that is $800 per month of sufficing quantity, maybe one little very much, because she/it doesn\'t drive any alot.

through santobug... will for now be you okay. Not the Größte, but for now yes. As soon as the children a little older becomes and must eat to midday for the school, \'s-Termine That, more doctor, driven become be and so on upward in order to train, must.

from LIONDANC.... what you believe, removes this that she/it should buy with it, and where you live. Some areas are much more expensive to live in the house as others. If es\'s only für food would be it finely, where I live. If you expect her/it/them, the whole household with it like clothing für the children, Christmas or birthdays, to start for the family, editions for small repairs and maintenance around the house, new vacuum cleaners or which broken appetite, that replaces, and so on es\'s probably sufficiently not. Es\'s a good idea, shopping für a few weeks, to go with her out to one month and a finding for itself.

through lilpoonu... I believes, that it should be much. We spend ungefähr $100 every other week at the moment typically for food and es\'s only 2 of us. In d\'m certainly becomes you, if we have me our baby, it almost doubly ürfen, because diapers and stuff like, this can be expensive. ICH\'m certainly $200 per week für you it should go types well.

through?? 3 kids 2hearts 1dream?? yes thats-Fülle! I place auf\'t, gas uses, and we give only $75 f per week topsür food from. it is more than enough in $200 as you yearn isn\'t for itself as she/it, that much junk meal buys.


Husband, I, our almost 4 year old, and 10 months old. 10 percent 1 voices

Goes to shout you out,

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