Monday, 18 July 2011

Why do women decide in favor of not nursing her/its/their children if they understand the innumerable health benefits?

Why do women decide in favor of not nursing her/its/their children if they understand the innumerable health benefits?

As somebody, that studies, to be a nurse and sick babies everday in my clinicals must see,... I simply doesn\'t understand, why somebody, that could nurse, her/its/their child would not offer, the protection... the knowledge, that it could protect the baby of arisen break-in diabetes cardiovascular illness from SIDS, Kindheitskerbs, RSV heavy allergies asthma, and so on.....

If I go through the pamphlets, because obligatorily it to in my work is!) and erwähnt to some mothers in hospital, like nursing her/its/their baby, to become healthy earlier, could help,... any quiet GARBAGE and some even becomes you defensive and angry. Some say es\'s -"Bulk". and actually rejects you, even für her/its/their baby, to pump. I place auf\'t, it gets! No other species leans it ab\'s-Kind it, milk is.

I understand that some women cannot nurse in rare cases. I don\'t refer to those of the COULND\'T, I refer her/it to those despite the knowledge and understanding, like n,ützliches and Gesundheits-enhacing is, that nurses,... still rejects you, it her/its/their child, to allow, to have her/its/their milk.

Additional details

I am a mother herself and nurse for over one year. So, I was there, done this.


from DawnRene...

Best answer chosen by Asker

I don\'t get it either. I höre some women says, that they land, likes the idea of nursing \'t, blah, blah, blah... she/it, to return to the work, has, blah, blah, blah..., but they could pump, at least, and the antibodies, that only her/its/their milk can give them, give to her/its/their baby.

I believe that it boils away in order to be missing from a wish to do a commitment. It takes commitment, in order to nurse, and, to lend every 2 hours of breast milk to even more, and it, to give baby.

IchIch has a friend, who works, in order to train full time and goes, and she/it nurses in the morning pumps her/its/their son, before she/it goes, during her/its/their breaks and her/its/their lunch, and feeds him/it with night. If she/it can succeed in doing it then, conserves all other with it. But es\'s not always easily.

It is selfishly about laziness and being that I hate to say. If women know, thereß her/its/their baby from the not silence DEADLY sick can become, and still Don\'t does it, they are incredibly egoistic people.
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Thanks for your friend for sharing. Es\'s heavily, but it is schön, to hear, if somebody first places her/its/their child despite the difficulties. I understand, thereß some women not capable, to nurse, is in rare example, but I believe that a honest effort should be done by each woman to give the best to her/its/their child.
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Other Answers (25)

through blonde_m... I knows, that it could offend some people, but if they can nurse, you understand, however how important it is, still rejects to do, so that ~ or even pumps ~ then this is only selfishness. You feel those of this comfortable" not for it, to pump, could decide, and you therefore do several months long at least ~ particularly, if her/its/their baby was sick in the hospital. I see become ge like Sie\'dannoy in that one sees this everyday one. It würde me definitely disturbs.

from EMB ridge of all, I hate these questions. My mother nursed all 6 from us and the doctor, who were told her/it/them, "why wanted you to do this?" Nursing now is much more widespread, but see all people, who know you, at really tell you a difference between those, that were nursed opposite those, the formula was fed?... NO! Some the klügsten, healthiest, most talented people, whom I know, that formula was fed. My son is 6 months, formula ernährte, he/it is a very glad one, content, chubby, healthy baby! I am a dreadful eater if I nursed, würde he/it probably no nutrients gets. Nursing was not für me. It doesn\'t mean, thereß I no good mother is. I love my son more than something in the world, if really I formula wasn doutlaw, \'t-Guter that I would not do it. There are those, that of Befürworter nurses,..... I is a formula feeding advocate!

from Pitusi Agree with most answers. Women that all benefits know and still wählen that didn\'t nurse is egoistic. Period. Actually hörte I none of them differently a reason giving never as cause you, it is my baby, I do what I want". I weiß, why I nurse, es\'s the best can do I for my daughter. Dort\'s no way, thereß I gonna-Nachgiebigkeit my baby a substitute only for personal reasons is. From the moment, that I from me found, was pregnant, my baby became the most important matter.

Of course, it is a personal decision. Some people wählen, to give the best to her/its/their babies, some people go for the easiest possibility.

from Surfer_L.... my wife is also in a nursing program in our area and complains also over this question. She/it nursed despite going to train full time and working a few evenings per week our daughter. She/it be cavalryman and our daughter and always is rare sick. My wife sees many sick children, who have lung infections and meningitis in her/its/their first months of living, BECAUSE she/it weren\'t schützte through the antibodies in her/its/their mother\'s milk. I can see why you worry. It is difficult to understand why each wouldn\'t-Sorge.

As a parent I I not only also worries worry almost differently small I itself over my daughter\'s welfare, however. I think a shame es\'s, if asks others, why you worry. The question should be, why not she/it itself thereover provides, as other children are pulled up. Wir\'ve really lost, thereß "it a village, to lift about a child mentality, it takes and is a shame. I, f,ür one, together with my wife worries me.

from TM, I nursed 6 months long means 6 year old son. He/it rejected to snap on it, but I lent to the whole time and him/it didn\'t, formula has. He/it has many heavy allergies, einschlie,ßlich of the chicken, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, horses and and so on Der said allergist that never, he/it saw somebody, that is chicken allergic previously.

I don\'t believe honestly that Breastmilk was at all useful for him/it. My son was very sick, as he/it, that was had, was born him/it, was meconium, that itself apgar verf his/its 1 min.ärbte, a 4. He/it has also ADHD.

It is the mother\'s election. EineEine mother first should be asked während in the hospital, if they want to nurse, if she/it says, no, then, it should become belassen on that occasion. it should be no forced topic, I würde also defensive and angry, if somebody took the trouble to put her/its/their values on me.

through priestes... I finds it strangely. ICH\'m, that still my fünf months old nurses, and populates about me, you remain the too bulky of me to remove \'him/it from the breast soon, or you never are gotten freely for him/it. ich\'ve ließ the sore nipples, the mastitis, the pain and a baby\'s prevention, that want too comfurt, sucks, and rejects a paci,

I think nursing, a taboo almost became in some areas. Bottles are schönes, colorful and look coolness to some people. Maybe fühlen itself some people primitive nursing?

One from both way, some people will offend this. It * is * selfishly. If people opinion "everyone seems to look at me, you a bad mother, if I give one bottle to my baby." I sometimes want to ask them to wonder, if they think, they everything, which they can, do in order to be the best for her/its/their baby. Formula is a substitute, not an equivelent. Some bevölkern only, Sie\'t can bring this into her/its/their fat skulls...

through Belinda milfinda for a number of reasons, that I will really never understand. ICH\'m beschämten to the low nursing installments in this country. We have also the höchste infant mortality rate of it the developed" "earth. Close?

Knows more prosperous and older mothers much more probably are I, that is women, who have college degrees, to be nursed as young, less trained poor women. Es\'s cultural aversion, mißverständnis and lack of education everything together these cause women, who rejected, to nurse her/its/their babies.

Some women want to nurse, but pushes on a small problem, the work, from which is demanded, doesn\'t want to do you to repair it, and you change in formula. Some women place wei auf\'tß, that to nurse problems, can be repaired! There are many Gr with itünde, the women land, \'t nurses. As you the study abschließen and starts to work as a nurse, you, \'ll sees, that the formula representatives peddle pamphlets of bad information fully. Sie\'wieder everything on a mission, to sabotage nursing!

I cannot believe how many people said that formula is, as well like good. IT SAYS BETTER ON THE CAN OF THE MOTHER\'S-MILCH IST!!!

through scales Mädchen, I have a sister, who is a nurse, and say she/it that many nurses and treats, you feel the same way if women have babies and reject to nurse. I understand her/its/their election es\'s, but like selfishly not to. I believe, thereß it is, because selfishly and foully sie\'wieder, personal. As abusive as this könnte to them sounds.. why else wouldn\'t she/it? If they land, \'t fühlt itself comfortable, like somebody else said.. she/it could make the commitment in order to pump you milk and make you for the right matter.

from Addi, if they are informed, and no ignorance can therefore claim that then, it either is selfishness or a lack of wish and commitment to the process. Es\'s not always easy is, to quiet however it definitely what is the best. I worked and nursed, it can also be made for it and from persönlicher experience is spoken.

from Sunflowe... I supports nursing.

There are several reasons why a mommy would reject. The primI think äre reason is because they didn\'t grow up with it in order to nurse her/it/them. It is, you don\'t divide from her/its/their culture, and they prefer to do this, which für she/it comfortable is. Before only ungefähr 10 years, sabotiert\'s-Eltern and in-lawed relative, doctors, normally became nurses nursing from the mother, and so on people still must get done with it. It is very likely, thereß the next generation many, to nurse, will want more, as they will grow up about her/it/them with breastfeeders.

I believe that it is like the right of women. The first generation gets the whole Scheiße and then es\'s-Normale. nobody thinks thereover after, they only do it.

Finally, I must add adds, that some women don\'t want to share her/its/their reasons. I könnte a mental illness has, and thank you you, I place auf\'t in order to divide this with motherhood personnel wants to repulse you. Maybe weiß I, that my situation is such, that they nurse isn, \'t something, which can continue at home because of the uncontrolled atmosphere once. Don\'t weiß, but as you take the trouble, these matters are to be calculated ways to encourage those, that it interests, in order to remember.

through? Jen? Only because a woman doesn\'t do, she/it doesn\'t make crappy mother breatfeed for an egoistic uncaring. As you the woman erkleras, that besides let her/its/their children run around dirty has, you also leave them who, she/it will take, you let her/it/them played unsupervised, you don\'t have any interest in them, smoke about her/it/them, beverage about her/it/them, etc,etc. any woman simply is not comfortably with it for which bottom, and those reasons are no one of anyones-Unternehmen. Formula completely certainly and as well is like good. You/they should believe twice before names, that somebody on her/its/their Fütterungswahlen her/its/their children, without to meet, what she/it is for a parent calls.

through missyW i, his/its unfair one, for people, that can nurse, thinks been born sick my son in order not to make ihn/es, and he/it had the bottle, we decided a pain was to pump us for me, after we had met with 3 lactacion-Beratern, this there, but, but i knew, that it had to make i. i pumped exactly three months long each hr, but my milk went drily, you frequent, 2 to 3 hour hospital drives ließen me incapable back, to pump, and such a low quantity produces i, but it gave to him/it i, the everytime i could. therefore people of the wählen you, not to do me, very more badly cuz i had done everything the tense in order to reach this special offer binds, but my son now is his/its first 3 mos healthy and recieved only breast milk and after that it was, 1 oz-Brust milk to 4 Oz-Formel

from Lola K, I nursed only 3 months long my first child and he/it, my milk could not hold down to my disappointment and a special formula is given. With my second child it wasn\'t more easily b/c, thereß my first child only one year old and very demanding was. Sitting down and bemühend itself, to pump, was not so easy, as maybe it sounds, if around you one running into everything and still a wine has, and hungry. And my 3. Child führte I such a dreadful spell of postpartum-Depression, that I interrupted after only 3 days, from. I schetched me sufficiently happily, however, about 3 very healthy children and my peds didn to haben\'t pushes it particularly with the depression with my last child.

I know that today in many cases, that mothers do full time, and with formulas from now this contains you DHA and ARA, it is simply easier.

through lovebein..., why is it no one of your business???, if you nurse your children,... who provides?? doesn\'t judge you somebody, because they don\'t make the same decision as you,.. this is simply stupid and idiotic. ah... gets you a life.

from Latin_Lv... I, to which I had, becomes normally not in these womanly conversations, but after reading of the answers on this post involved. In answer to the woman, over her/it asked, "why do you worry?" I had to answer for the poster. SHE/IT WORRIES BECAUSE OF SHOULDN\'T K PEOPLEÜMMERT SICH ONLY ABOUT HER/ITS/THEIR OWN CHILDREN, THAT YOU/THEY SHOULD THEMSELVES ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN KÜMMERN. SHE/IT WORRIES, BECAUSE SEES THEM SICK BABIES THE WHOLE DAY, AND WEIß THAT MANY OF HER/ITS/THEIR MOTHERS GESUNDER, THAT YOU/THEY SILENCE, DONE DEVELOPMENT DIGNITIES. This answered your rotznäsige question?

from Haulie Selfishness. Period.

from Colleen O, because it is the WOMAN-Körper, and therefore it is HER/ITS/THEIR election. There is not any proof, that nursing before SIDS schützt,... this a baby, whom I know, who that was died at SIDS was nursed. Nursing could tatsächlich Kindheitskerbs extend because most childhood cancers are actually carried through the blood circulation of the parent and are genetic, only because doesn\'t mean of the parents doesn\'t, him/it it has, that they can be no messenger,... there going of THE theory. Resemble kardiovaskul as welleras illnesses.. and I know nursed children you have MANY allergies to meal as well as environmental questions the one. Both of my nieces were gefütterte breast, and BOTH have asthma.... people like you are, WHY, as I was the hospital personnel in hospital, that has MY daughter, myself not to allow any people instructed, der\'s-Arbeit it was nursing to be pushed into my room.

Does "no other species reject it, is it child, is milk", no other species lets the brain work the one CHOICE into doing... and thinks at it... MOST people doesn\'t eat her/its/their young... however other mammal species does..., so that you propose, that we eat also our young?

from AngelBab.... my heart would break this and would do you really very much frustrated me, if I had to see that daily also. I nursed my children, so I cannot understand, why doesn\'t give somebody w her/its/their childürde, that gift. Nata child could grow up ürlich, about to its \'healthy\' at formula..., but introduces how many healthier and more clever, that they could be had for her/it/them, given done optimal nutritional custom, as nature intended, from her/its/their mother\'s breast. Studies show, thereß these nursed babies more clever is. And the Längere a mother nurses the more clever and healthier, that she/it are in general.

from Starsfan... I doesn\'t understand both. It the best matter für your baby and it is FREE! It with astonishment me, these of so many women place auf\'t nurses or pumps. I understand the challenges, because enters didn\'t my milk until 9 days after birth. Through this time, my won Tochter\'t takes my breast. Therefore, I pumped one full year long. Now, this ny-Tochter is one year old, thereß I, to cure her/it/them of my breast milk, began. It is Z very muchugh been, but completely value it.

from Adeline, Einige believe women, that formula, because this is obvious, is that "as well as breast milk, what financed the multi million dollar per yearly campaigns through the formula manufacturers," wants that they believe. This is why there despite the fact,ß there is industrialized and is civilized "countries, they have the highest installment of the infant deaths of SIDS and preventable illnesses/infections. some people place only auf\'t gets these human babies, doesn\'t should ern from the milk of COWheads, that are, which formula is done by it, except if, God prohibits, the mother dies and cannot give any breast milk to the young, it seems obvious and commonsensical, but it, s over the heads of some people.

from Evin, I believe Lola K\'s that history is a perfect example of it, how incorrectly informs, we are in general. I really look for her because she/it, the trip didn nurses, \'t muß with her/its/their first child finish. It probably was something, which could have been repaired by moving, for dairy of her/its/their food or something, for example.

I believe that many women are in her/its/their shoes,; this not credits of only a doc, that is informed, and the knowledge really not from any other means for bf\'ing-Info. if she/it did a more well first experience, maybe she/it did another election with her/its/their following children.

I hope, that you, Lola, understand I doesn\'t judge you at all, I am very sympathetic to your situation and using from it as an example. You/they made the best election based on the info, that at the moment you to the Verfügung stood.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

Why do people continue to judge the ways, other people pull up her/its/their children if it absolutely is no one of her/its/their business?

I took the trouble to nurse my child & didn\'t can, but you know something, my daughter completely healthy. Everyone is judgemental with it & NOBODY has the right to call for it another woman selfishly, as she/it chooses to nourish her/its/their child!

Wow, as ridiculously judgmental many people are.

through cart driver and Ross\'s mommy

Because of his/its low class hid answer

* Sighs * it gives millions of babies, who are nursed, and millions of babies, who are not nursed, and they seem simply fine. Why other M judgesütter that feels that they must not do anything, others others mama does. Only because a mother nurses, you don\'t turn her/it/them into a better mother than this somebody of the doesn\'t. certainly it is healthier, but it is not like formula, is not healthy. There is not any reason, why you other Völker parenting and elections should judge. Therefore I think es\'s-Zeit if you remove from your high horse.

through pattypuf...

Because of his/its low class hid answer

Did you still have children?

Ask again about it after you took the trouble to nurse.


Mommy of 2.

from Michelle

Because of his/its low class hid answer

I didn\'t nurse my twin girls. I fühlte me only not comfortably with it. My T3 1/2 are öchter and very healthy and clever! Therefore, I don\'t regret, she/it , not to nurse at all.

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