This is something in another country (not UNITED KINGDOM) for a pediatrician, told me from nursing. What do you think?
He/it said that after 6 months, the quality of the breast milk decrease and will induce baby to decrease or not to thrive. DeshalbDeshalb schlägt he/it before, to begin with 3-4 months of formula old, if you nurse previously, so that in the age of 6 months, your won Baby\'t opposes itself formula.He/it joined even to it, that to nurse after 6 months old, is for only those, that cannot achieve any formula. If you können, es\'s, to stop better, to nurse, and softness formula.
Oh, he/it made rules loads of the drugs on antibiotics also for my baby (who then had diarrhea) (, without to test the faeces for bacterias.
As I rejected to use antibiotics without further examination, he/it said that antibiotics are a MUST for small babies.
You must use antibiotics, that are more strongly than those for adults, particularly for newborns.
Any comments?
through putonyou...
Best answer chosen by voters
That is a very out-of-date attitude, and most experts would become opinion this, breast is the best until disaccustoming, is, is drafted complete.Breast-Milch in order to be the perfect meal and doesn\'t fork out his/its quality...?? I nourished breast 3 babies, until they were disaccustomed with 8 months, and they were very healthy.. indeed everything is my baby like small Buddhas lol!! It is a very ignorant matter to be closed, that the reason for nursing is financial. It is this our K for somethingit was drafted örper\'s in order to do.As I am not sure for the drug question, but normally again hydrate ion therapy, to treat about diarrhea and doctors, is used likes to normally overuse you no antibiotics. Newborns are especially vulnerable, as the ailment at diarrhea however I however hätte, adult strength drugs would be dangerous. 29 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS
This question about "It is something for a pedia. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich
Other Answers (26)
he/it told u about Lindylu that much garbage breast is the best, according to my opinion, it is natural.
I think, there is an old if u breast feeding should stop, but knows, where near 6 months
thank God, that you him/it as original no permanent one Dr. has.
from Jonathan Seek a second opinion of another doctor. I wanted to give strong antibiotics both to a baby, not, if I doutlaw, the doctor didn\'t see right into the case, but I am no medical expert. 14 percent 1 voices
through bugaboo, an UK sees Dr., cause I knows, that they have other opinions, again. the antibiotics..
through blooming camomile something for a quack!! which country was this? , I don\'t hope mine...)
garbage absolute through jaffa. bet, thereß he/it shares of a formula company has.
i nurses 18 months til with no problems.
dont goes back to him/it and if a second opinion is a must in doubts. 14 percent 1 voices
through mama04, I don\'t conserve beleive this! Wow, this doctor should angezündet becomes. Nurse für as it, you yearn as you want. Childrendoctors recommend at least for the first few months, the longer the better! I b/feed my son für 9 mos. and my daughter is 6 mos. and I still am she/it b/feeding. And no, they don\'t want any relaxed weight.
from Topsy, I nursed both of my children until they were one year old, & she/it thrived.
through cuddlebe.... Rubbish, the doctor could get commission on the lot of drugs perscribe for them.
from Gypsy Whitemoon a moron!!!! I jargon believes, that a doctor would make such statements. Breast milk is the best, you können gets, and my first fed i for 6 months, my second 9 months long, with squashed pumpkin also, and still breast feeding my other child. I dont believes at it, any K,örper, to give in Australia indeed antibiotocs strong, there is to use antibiotocs other possibilities as a last resort.explore, is the communication to doctors in australia.
through psycholo... which country [ or treat] this is, you should inform the medical advice about him/it [ or equivalent body] for unrefined incompetence. Serious.
from m, what I think, you know of universe for him/it, this horrifies... and totally disloyal. Those also are gewöhnliche misperceptions from laypeople, but one would hope that doctors had more knowledge! Proof shows, thereß the Longer you nurse, the better. The world average is 2 years.
My a doctor and all her/its/their inlaws, also in Panama says her/it/them had friend that nursing only for "loosely pobres, poor people, was". I verdächtige, that maybe some of it comes from the really aggressive marketing, these formula companies do in the third world and elsewhere. It is really bös, my opinion after.
The antibiotics... many people in North America thought this a generation or so before, and some parents still insist on antibiotics for colds and flu, and so on re clearly is the proof, that antibiotic abuse helps nothing and causes of bow and antibiotic-immune illness super.
Remain your jokes about you! Sound like you, you have to know enough sense, what für your baby best is.
through twinkly_... sounds to me like shit. after 6months breast milk alone sufficiently isn\'t für a baby, but until then, they should eat solid meal anyway, as they let the milk, formula or breast grow, a supplement turns into her/its/their food of correct meal, and breast milk still is good for your baby, and improves as formula.
as the antibiotics then tend i to avoid to give such matters to my children, except if no doctor is completely necessary, but i, you therefore don\'t wish to comment! maybe he/it thinks, thereß in young Babys-Durchfall can be more serious and can need treatment, his/its methods, or however, his/its explanation seems a little strange to me.
would it interest i to know which country is Sie there?
in much 3. Weltlalters the formula milks, companies went there and blinded her/it/them with \'technology\' and convinced her/it/them, that this formula is what her/its/their babies need, and only those nurse, that it affords jargon. there was, as formula milk was given, frees to the Müttern for a time, but then after the mothers possessed milk, had dried up, and they were forced to buy it.
through emsie-Ärzte, newborns rarely give, each is the best, nature is not fat to be kept everything, as nature intended. Breast milk is ideal.
from Nickynac.... you again not in Greece is you? My gynaecologist quite informed me of them/her/it resembling. Es\'s-ABFALL!! breast milk is the best für babies, with solids after 6 months, for as yearn you itself as you, it can possibly do, it is not better to stop to nurse. I became astonished as my doctor informed me of this, and shock. It was proved scientifically, thereß itself no other milk to breast milk compares.
How babies don\'t need her/it/them for the antibiotics, and you really should find another doctor.
I had my baby in Greece, and she/it was, power fed, formula, because they told me, cannot survive ANY baby ALONE the first week long from his/its life ON BREAST MILK, I asked her/it/them not to give her/its/their formula how I know full wells, that breast milk was everything, which she/it needed, and a mother produces the right quantity for her/its/their baby. I würde you the bottle doesn\'t give, so that they removed her/it/them me and power, she/it fed, this, that was led to her/its/their being, confused with nursing, and I had to express her/it/them, lives virtually 3 months long. her/its/their formula now gives i, but against my better judgment.
Please find another doctor, and you only look to nurse on the internet in order to see the last info. many Doctors trained many and are not on the newest stand with medical questions and should be canceled.
, To only add, we later found out, that the gynaecologist and the private hospital of the forumla-Gesellschaft comission removed, and because of that my baby was disputed, something should be you of course. ICH\'m, that still thereover foams.
Had 1 voices a similar experience 14 percentthrough bitsy_pi.... about has a license he/it?
That is really strange for a pediatrician to say! Breast is the more ern the best and reduced no infactheads you itself this more does you.
You/they are right to reject the antibiotis without further testing, breast milk is a natural antibiotic
How are you certainly for your baby, who has diarreah, is Babys-Heck more exactly runny f anywayür a while. But if it wäre, it could be because of something, which you ate, if your stomach or wind can give tipped over baby your quiet of all, which you eat going coffee, cabbage, onion and some citris like tomato to your milk and such matters like orange juice, oranges.
Jump honestly for now the antibiotics and strive a 2. Opinion, as I really don\'t think, weiß of this peadiatrician, he/it approximately on what is.
Breast lives as it, you yearn as you, you want also besides it, you take the trouble not to go on 1 years as it then becomes very difficult to disaccustom your baby away.
Luck and I hope that another pediatrician can help you to improve as the first did. You/they place auf\'t wants to give your baby antibiotics, if you help him/it k speciall-Antibiotikaönnen that is more strongly than those, that don\'t pronounce any right simply at all, for adults!!!
from iamhis0 LoL, he/it is full from it.
And he/it is in the bags of the formula companies.
I would discard this Pedi and never, would look back. Idiot.
through Christine B Brust is the best, breast lives until you are willing to hold. my baby will be old tomorrow 6 months and still has any breast milk, although also now he/it also solid Körper takes. it hängt from you from, and that is the best for your child, what you think. one plus then formula is, thereß it you the prerogative gives, it somebody, to allow, itself other, to concern about your child for a while, without you the there is or pumping of any milk for the baby.
bring out the pills to a doctor into the uk and the finding if it is really necessary for your baby to take her/it/them,..................... best wishes
from K02, that is bull,...! Don\'t listens to it that and changes pediatricians pronto!
DerDer WHO recommends the first six months long and nursing in connection with solids at least until nursing exclusive to the first birthday. Still länger, if both mother as well as baby wish to do, with it.
And over the drugs: it is irresponsibly, rules, to make loads of the drugs testin to a newborn without even, if they are really necessary.
If I was you, I would go back with your husband there and would give one piece of your mind the type, and if he/it is employed by a hospital, or healthclinic laments with the management for itself there. This is total ouchßer business!
what did people make for Loogie\'s mommy before formula was invented?
this doctor sounds crazy. 14 percent 1 voices
through thebippy, this type knows doesnt about what he/it talks. Jargon affords formula........ she/it has a laughter!! I ernährte me 2 years long and un not without!
Un not a doctor however I wouldnt prescribes antibiotics for diarrhea, except if it been able to be other a symptom of something???
2. Opinion of this case.......
through!! ~ IHave... which country was this? It the most definitely probably is a not-developed country in Africa or sub-continental Asia. In under developed Lalters there is this idea that formula milk is for rich people and if you give, your baby breast milks poor youre. This is because, as they are in a bad country, they the thought have, that, if we für something must pay, then, it must be better than our own milk; this sounds stupid to populate in countries, that are prosperous, but it is true. Also, there is this Mentalität, the fatter baby thinks, that you are rich, and formula milk can achieve, and formula milk increases a child\'s weight faster and then settles down, your birth is concerned about five books by you, this is only the way, the set culture thinks. Dont hört on, to nurse baby at least until 6months, and then smooths, you take the trouble to stick at least one year to nightfeeds for upto.
In general the doctors see the individual\'s status in worse countries like for the Anti-biotics and the drugs again and if they think, they can make mnoney from them, that they make for all types rules, and again, can have her/it/them this idea of this if youre that pays more for treatment then restricted youre, in order to get better. His/its stupid one. Dont gives the cocktail of the drugs to your baby, and dont ließ she/it baby splashes.
Know women, who believe, that infant formula is better than breast milk.from LadyMoon.... Thats complete SHIT!
My son is still nursed with 14 months. He/it is no großer eaters and gets most of his/its calories of breastmilk.
His/its weight is place switched on, and he/it is small boy a healthy, glad perfect tense!!
Formula is only garbage, Kühe-Milch dried fully from additives. Like this in the Hölle is, do you improve as the natural milk, that a mother produces for her/its/their own baby? My son of gewann\'t Berührungsformel, he/it never has. He/it will throw the cup/bottle in disgust on the ground. It obviously tastes good awfully to him/it.
Baby cows should let cows milked. Baby people should have human milk.
Formula was invented for women, who were incapable, to nurse, it was defeated breastmilk and contains no one of the natural antibodies, that breastmilk contains. After nascent ausschließlich for his/its first six months nursed and since then nursed with solids further, my son is very healthy and only always is sick once. His/its lächerliches, a newborn antibiotic, to give, nursed somebody, that has the whole kindliness and the antibodies of her/its/their mother, \'s-Milch particularly one.
It is startling that a Paediatrician discharges such complete garbage. Hope, thereNever comes ß he/it to practice in the UK and his/its stupid ideas with him/it brings.
through angel_fa... which country?
What he/it proposes, is something all respected health organizations like THIS on the other hand, you recommend. Ever länger you nurses, the more benefits, that get you and baby.
Antibiotics also are overprescribed. Babies (PARTICULARLY nursed) are rare if they ever go to require antibiotics. I wouldn\'t doesn\'t visit this pediatrician again.
His/its opinions about nursing sound like the old way of the thinking here. Nurses which poor people do" is "., if the saviors only the billions of human predecessors hätten that is the formula companies, to help them, * eyeroll *
through gluey vicki compleate bull s**t!
from Pixie792
Because of his/its low class hid answer
Children, who still nurse in the age of 9 years old, are in some countries there! 14 percent 1 voicesthrough suziejoy
Because of his/its low class hid answer
maybe what he/it said, was lost 6 months of babies in translation, disaccustoms normally anyway
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