Monday, 18 July 2011

Would you be, as the reader, with it fine?

Would you be, as the reader, with it fine?

I know, that I posted this before, but I believe that the name of my last question scared away some answerers.

I write a history, in which God calls a woman, leaves, you call her/its/their April to alter other cells of animals and people and to do successfully male and female hybrids of the animals. The first species, that is a horse/human-Hybride. She/it also does also this in the history with other animals. She/it loves these children as her/its/their own one and helps, she/it beside her/its/their animal Mütter, to lift. , s+s + e+e = hybrid, if you get my point können,

There are two problems, that I am, the uneasy folk doesn\'t assume, however, could.

One: Several weeks/months during the pregnancies of April uses in command of her to give milk, a breast pump, because the hybrids are birthed from the animal mother. She/it believes, thereß she/it milk of both of the altered species will need and probably she/it, in order to help, nurses to do the maternal connection. , Mütter and newborns do, fortified through nursing. Ask about somebody (that has)

Is this to wide from there?

Two: The hybrids, or the women at least, you go into heat seasons and men, is also influenced. The mother müht itself during those certain times in the course of time from. The hybids, like real preteens, teenagers and animals, as well you explore yourself and each other. There is only a Stück in the ichin detail, the first time in the first hybrids, more exactly \'m. future heats is only referenced in the history at certain points and finally until... sees you below.

Three: My problem is that if still the animals/humans, no certain name, reach adulthood, they are confused if they yearn for a family and take the trouble to calculate what is the best. You/they know, thereß, if they propagate together, she/it birth a hybrid like she/it would become. But the wäre of course incest, because they are bro and sis. You/they are ausdrücklich one man a woman, so that April can concentrate on more than an animal hybrid. , In order to do more than only one horse hybrid, but also hybrids of the Kühe, goats, stag ect.

I understand Bible stories like Adam, and Eva can tell to it, and sailed of the Noah with his/its wife, his/its sons and her/its/their wives on board. Kinda extremelyählt with a cousin question.

The book has some adult topics, but is not perverted. What is your opinion on the questions of this novel?

Additional details

To some of the questions in the answers:

Yes, there is a male father

The hybrids are bro and sis and are held secretly in the history earlier. You/they wouldn\'t wants a volunteer, that away with one of them läuft, until she/it can guarantee, that they can live finely in the real world. (She/it goes into this während the history,

As children met puberty, they explore themselves and are curious from others, it is a true fact. And if they ripen, they place auf\'t hopefully does, thereß no at least until the marriage. If the hybids is in adulthood, they know better this also.


from j p

Best answer chosen by Asker

Interesting idea. It read not certainly ich\'d, but then, I am really not in science fiction.

1, first from, how does this Mrs. Milch produce? Did she/it have a child recently? Did she/it have a child and uphold the arrival only the breast, that pumps, in order to keep the milk? Think the basic biological requests of her/it/them, even f,ähig, to be, to do this. Muß it second is, breast milks? I think that formula is not ungewöhnlich, to pull up for it, people and animal babies. If manages this woman k a human-animal hybrid, couldn,önnte, \'t she/it calculates this with her/its/their science know-how? I weiß, that you want it for it, "the maternal connection" however this is no request at this connection with real life. In a literary sense should ernährend the babies on a manner or another this connection for the reader manages.

you don\'t need 2, as soon as you describe something once, again for it. If you make you again for him/it, ll bore only your reader. Fügen you details only in following events to it if and so on than the first time some important one is different to character development, action. Also, you are careful with your details, too certain details over sex,etc. the history moves too dirty. I propose, concentrated you to guarantee stay on it, why you included this sceen. Sceens may somewhat really mean this you; if it and the history can be cut, no lessend is \'s-Bedeutung from it as well, I wit considers ürde because it has it.

3, why they had to brother and sister? This woman couldnholt \'t mulitple genetic tests? Also, logically the woman wouldn\'t wants, thereß she/it because of the incest causes in later generations of gone over birth itself with a sibling propagates. , Was these siblings of exploring "from each other earlier in part 2? If with it, why are they, now involved so, give to them other parents serious, the animal mothered softness birth to 2 of these hybrids athe the same time? Most of the animals, that you only aufführten, has a baby at a time, Sie\'ll still has man a woman one. You the author and is your invented universe, reception control of it! =)

Anyway I hope that this madly long answer has some helpful one for you. Glad letter!


My brain
Disclaimer: because everything of it of my brain comes, it can be only my own opinion, and doesn\'t have to be agreed so such with it. That never is meant, what I say, middle or excessive, to be critical, only honest reaction meant to help. Remain something this you wish, you leave the silence.
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Asker \'s Comment:
This answer really got me the thinking, I will keep it in mind.
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Other Answers (6)

from Mandy, I believe that it swings! Places to write you away!

through purple_d... its interesting, but complicates

through half-moon, I don\'t know that something my you through fine, I won\'t go do it well, but I will read it. Klänge interestingly!

from Shawna, It like a very unique idea sounds. EsEs sounds one little strangely, but not to the point where es\'s völlig repulsively.

This will probably promise only a certain group of people, who also is fine, but I don\'t know whether that is, for what you go.

DenkeDenke I that, because the topic is a little strange, that you must be careful, if you write it, so that it doesn\'t come off from the deep end, knows ya? I hates it if ich\'m, the a novel reads, and it is a bißchen strangely, and the point occurs only more strangely and more strangely where it doesn\'t make any sense.

by Cassandra Longley Personally, I would be offended by none of the questions, on which you brought. ICH\'m interested f for itselfür questions of the ethics, genetics, and changing of lives, so that I would be more curious over it, how you interact with them. UndUnd brings this to the important point me, like the reader assumes, these ideas really become abh from itängen, as you write them. If of Sie\'wieder the letter für an adult public, never, you fear that the reader is to prudish or unripe.

My main question be strength from that, to what you gave us, with "God", whom they drive, behind it, but maybe that is no gigantic problem on it the descent how you present it. To me, I wouldndenkt \'t from it one, Christian God as the buoyancy, that is, für these types of experimentations, but if you can make it believable for him/it, s all this important is. Also, * like * she/it is fähig, that to execute these experiments, a big question will be with your credulity. Is she/it on a farm or insulate somewhere? Does she/it work at home? Or in a laboratory? ICH\'d places itself animal hybrids to it brings, quite recognizably würde to before and excites attention after a while.

that is through cathrl69, which here me really confused, why you have a human "mother", and also an animal "mother". wo\'s the männliche entanglement? Where do the y-Chromosome come from it?

This would become more sense all the brand to my mind far if your "April" was character a man. Then, you simply avoid all silence / mütterliches binding stuff. He/it can be a daddy. And you milk this from both species matter, you don\'t make any sense simple. Even normal human babies grow up simply finely, if her/its/their mommies können, \'t nurses, and then absolutely gets her/it/them from her/its/their own species no milk. Nursing is something to be preferred, but by no means necessary.

The next generation breeding doesn\'t work. Hybrids place auf\'t Züchtet other hybrids, they are sterile. If you will push, "Science" then must make it for sense.

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