Monday, 18 July 2011

Is it O.K. to see for your child that a woman nurses?

Is it O.K. to see for your child that a woman nurses?

Everything is Alot Ihrer answers for being nursed in public and where you want to every age.

However, I came this also upon an answer boasted, that she/it doesn\'t want any 4 year old child for her/it/them, this nurses another woman sees.

What do you think? Believe his/its O.K. für only adults, to see, that a mother nurses, but not for children, who saw it?
If not then, this something is offended by it for you over the mothers, they in public nurse if children are around?

Additional details

smurf: do you" love sees "it, if nurses your children somebody?

Wow... actually thats one little psychotically. Why you wanted, thereß a child loves, nurse to watch? strange.


Sunnyside: Therefore... although nursing is natural, and women can make it for public, do you think is been not suitable a 4 years long old? Hmm..., so that boobs a 4 years long natürlich old or that, what, is?
I don\'t understand your thought.


through retired...

Best answer chosen by voters

Children have nurse women of many thousand long looked at from year..... It is completely normal... 50 percent 3 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to! ! RSS

Other Answers (15)

through Sommer-i-Haß that Hugh Hefner damaged the way, we BOOBS look at! they become only on our Körper for a purpose placed, and that is our young to be nourished!! she/it also must remember sexualized into todays-Gesellschaft and people which her/its/their real purpose is!!!!

a mother, who nurses a baby, is the most natural beautiful matter, and she/it should be capable, her/its/their baby, who chooses her/it/them to nourish, somewhere. but understanding hoodwinks this you behind it, she/it should know, thereß it maybe people uncomfortable does, and disgression with times and semitrailer blankets even, during feeding in public, that are there, uses through where people go constantily there, you in a shopping center.

a nursing mommy is i, and troubles i for itself to cover in public upward, but i doesn\'t believe, that children should be taught, that this is a bad or dirty matter!!!

from \'Sunnyside Up\' That hangs from the from, what they actually see, and him/it something the age, that the child is. If the mommy the child behält, and for itself then covered his/its normal lifestyle, and most children know this is, as a baby is nourished, because that is, as and so on young dogs, tools, calves, and her/it/them fed \'ve werden,gesehener that in the television the most likely, so that explaining, that it is no question. However, I didn\'t want, thereß my child over the age of 4ish the woman\'s breast sees. You/they place auf\'t-Bedürfnis this in her/its/their young lives..., although they see for him/it in public most of the time with the provocative Wegfrauenkleid anyway,... and on the beach also. You/they müssen only quiet is and gets done with it, and your child won\'t keep anything it in mind then, but that is a perfect lifestyle. If then you with the negation over board goes, you damage and cause one quantity more curiosity than is used.

from Carrie, I didn\'t nurse in public in order to make a statement. These are said, I got großartige satisfaction out the undoing" of "other people children with my good example.

I really don\'t spend these much time with worrying itself therefore to offend other people if I don\'t believe that they have a good reason to be offended. Maybe it becomes your 4-jähriges grows up in order to be a nursing mom or supporting daddy because, gasp! she/it or he/it came in order to see nurse as normal. 17 percent 1 voices

through? Delizzy Kein is not it O.K. f4 year old boys think ür in order to see this. He/it doesn\'t muß any other lady\'s breasts see. Few müssen girls don\'t see that, as I would take the trouble to teach them modesty. I weiNot sexually, ß, that breasts for nursing are, know most mothers that, the general public doesn\'t do. 17 percent 1 voices

from GhOsTFAc... i didn\'t see any problem nourish her/its/their child to leave my sons a mother,
I have a problem, if there is women exhibition ALOT more than a little boob, exports my sons i and thinks i is a little sad one and abases that a wife, whom her/its/their child nourishes, so many disproval still cause, you see, that women like whores dressed up everywhere, and nobody beats an eye.

defiantly his/its fantastic calm children see of Amelia that it intended a mother, who fed her/its/their baby the Wegnatur. I hope, thereß itself my daughter, to give the nursing of a going, decides, if she/it has babies of her/its/their own one! Nursing and nurses watching is since the Morgendämmerung the time happens, no one of us would be here if it happens didnt.

beside funnels why not? Es\'s only one mother, that her/its/their baby ernährt. Es\'s not sex. There isn\'t any matter injustice against nursing. People, all S,äugetiere actually, nursed for millions if not billions of years. Es\'s schloß only minded people, that decided, to make lives to a problem.

from Smurf Ich I loves sees it, if nurses my children somebody. My Söhne both went through a phase, where they nursed her/its/their dolls in public. It was groß. People müssen over it gets. Particularly you. How much breast, that you questions, will knock against today? 17 percent 1 voices

Actually, I think of Ethel that been suitable it and a good matter is I for her/it/them, that saw, wants that they understand, and expects that this is how we nurse our babies, and that bottles are unnatural.

through??... d.... yes his/its fine and of course, most of the time, you can see all anyways not even except if your towering over the baby in order to see the breast.

from Leslie K, why would it be strange for a child to see that a mother nurses?
I am not offended, if a child sees, I nurse.
If she/it super young, not even they will recognize what I do anyway, is.

for fearful women, you make yes rare the history. Es\'s a natürlicher part of lives. Es\'s not sexually or inappropriately on any manner. Es\'s, like S,äuglingskinder thousand long from year was nourished.

through Weintraubenkopf, I think somebody, that believes, that it is wrong for a child, nurses to watch, is strange with questions

from Mary_Ann.... It is completely natural and normal. I don\'t have any problem with it.

through momto4, I think that, if one feels, must put her/it/them" "her/its/their care about public or to a child to the show, it are you for other yours or somebody, then, there are questions. I believe, thereß, if a woman wants to nurse her/its/their baby, and another child of her sees, it then fine is, but however again I necessarily don\'t think it to it you put it to the show. Through is resplendent you, I think, thereß you not unduly unprotected over it must be and it known for everything does. If the baby jerks to thethe breast doesn\'t cover ück during care and the shirt or blankets, then, it is no big deal, they take the trouble to nourish the baby. At home können you a little relaxed one is, but if you have older children, I would think using discretion if they are, would be sensible there. For example I nursed all four of my children, at home I was a bißchen relaxed over it, to hush up everything for him/it. I ließ my 18 months old, you sees become know the baby nurse smoothly she/it so, which went on. Until I had my 4 at the moment. Child, I was a bi with exposure to a pointßchen more carefully, as my eldest son didn\'t need me to be unduly unprotected at feedings in the living room, for example. It is a totally natürliche matter, but as a little discretion uses \'s for what we do, with many natural matters, let, in public or within our homes.

IchIch thinks, there is, you harms more in a popular undergarmet-Zeitschrift or the demonstrations of the pictures in lingerie, you stores windows in the shopping center as works as a nurse with discretion to see a lady. Really, why it is not a protest, about the g, in our cultureänzlich dressed ads for a girl with a suspender on and a thrust BRA up, to see, if it is a point of the debate about a baby, to which nourishing milk given from it, wird,bemuttert s? nursing mommies müssen discression uses, and it must be no point of the debate.

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