Vegan and vegetarian mothers?
I took old son with the child health nurse only to his/its 12 months of checkup my 12 month. She/it inquired about his/its food and I erklärte, that we land, meat or dairy eat \'t. She/it told me that I should a Diätplaner sees stop with 2 important chimney groups of the foods of my children as ich\'ve, my other son is 3.5 years.I was a vegetarian 16 years long. I aß dairy, but very little from it. With mine eldest contravened my premonition and my knowledge of the nutrition son I and feeds him/it some times per week (for iron, beef,), until he/it started to reject against 18 months of meat. It it always been very dünn and is weight growth patterns for itself didn\'t change, after she/it had continued to a vegetarian food, therefore I am confident that the cause of his/its thin framework is genetic, sooner than because of the food. My jüngster son follows also a similar growth pattern and will probably be a thin toddler. I have an extensive knowledge of the Ernährung for adults and children. Es\'s something, thereß I in it an interest has, and I explored it for the last 10+ years. With more of an emphasis on Kinder\'s-Ernährung since me had my boys. Been Wir\'ve for dairy, you free since the März from this year (for the health and moral reasons). it wasn\'t a decision, that I made easily. We eat eggs, but only from our own chooks.
I understand the worries of the child health nurse, and I intended to see a dietitian, but only, as they stopped to nurse. Glätten you, my 3.5-year old one still has 3-4, or more nurses one day. Isnmelkt \'t-Brust to dairy optimally? You/they have a diverse food. ICHwelchem meal bewußte \'m contains calcium much iron, protein, and so on I also give her/it/them, meal fortified, and my eldest son and I takes a general supplement, for particular B12, calcium and K2. therefore with Brustfütterung-Kindern and you believe toddlers that dairy of a nutritional-being, "necessity?"
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Process: My main worry also always has been almost iron. In Australia, children aren, \'t given routinemäßige iron examinations. MeinMein iron got, you moo at the end of each pregnancy, but that was because of morning illness and the not being fähig, to eat, very much more. The ergsänzung my eldest son and I takes, you contain iron in it. But we eat also much resolutely-rich meal, with vitamin c für absorption. Legumes, N,üsse and grains are eaten all soaked before nascent in order to support absorption and so on, I was more surprised that however, she/it concentrated on the lack of dairy in our food.7
Process:Are I confused incredibly as to it why everyone would agree with Leigh and refers to the thumbs upward?
Leigh: You/they are confused. 12 types of protein? What? Breast milks ISNVertritt \'T dairy? What???
Firstly: You/they trouble, amino acids do a complete protein to say itself/themselves, that my children need protein and NINE (not 12). No, you place aufmuß \'t only May & bean eat in order to reach this...???
Complete proteins: BREAST MILK, eggs (that my children and I eat) legumes plus grains Quinoa nuts plus grain or legumes, Soy, hemp sows. Protein rarely is one Mündung in vegan-Kindern.
And then, you mention a family, that was vegetarian and even saw, that however, a dietitian suffered her/its/their child from Scurvy? Which scurvy, do you know, is? Do you know him/it this Scurvy, is a lack of vitamin C?
Sailors were in the habit of therefore suffering from it to eat fish only. Those on a vegan/vegetarian-Nahrung tend, at fruit and Gemüsen, to eat a food richly. Fruit and Gemis c high üse in vitamin....
Do any research before you answer a question, if
Sara: Thanks for your answer and the connection. I am correct in agreement, that a food becomes Hence of the thrusts highly in meat in dairy during the childhood and childhood in long run for adults damaging to her/its/their health, in order to reduce her/its/their meat consumption, is and, to eat only low-fat dairy. Shows there are all the studies, what I read, a strong interrelation between meat consumption and decided cancers.7
from Sara
Best answer chosen by Asker
Typical mainstream B.. no Wegmolkerei is important, or meat also. Only ask her/it/them, für the past, to explain Ost-Asien, I place auf\'t knows, 3000 years! Honest. Ohßer the B12 hardly believes I that you must supplement.All doctors and the dietitians now want to see robust children, you therefore feed them much meat or milk, but the fact is, this can be really bad for the long semester, you think heart condition, maybe even cancer. Do embroidery to your veggie-Nahrung, there are many sources.
Fruits and vegetables high in iron:
I estimate most of the answers, particularly Dawn\'s answer, that also were very informative. Save to! ! RSS
Other Answers (9)
through Nancy Jo, you work together narrowly with your nutritionist. beschränken you the child nicht\'s-Nahrung gives them a variety of the meal. see the pediatrician & an advisor of more help.
through * *0_o * * if they still get breastmilk, it should be fine.
from Jed York not certainly
from Alix C., I eat vegetarians, i has, because I was, as, 10, but my husband is a total meat fanatic, and therefore the children eat both. My eldest children eats primarily vegetarian, and I will cook only vegetarians, but the children is allowed to eat both, and I think normally similarly das\'s-Guter because of the vitamins and the stuff, lunchmeat or something like it, I feed them also all the milk with the dinner although milk nauseates me!) glI fed you, while they nursed, them ätten dairy, you milk with the dinner and also yogurt with breakfast or something...) because of the nutrition and such...
from SW Als, you yearn as your children, much calcium gets and protien from other sources, you should not worry. Only be sure, she/it her/it/them growing Körper-Bedürfnis, to provide with all vitamins and the nutrients.
A vegetarian always been, meat didn\'t like, because I was a toddler, but my children are free to eat meat if they choose.through xAndreax, I am no mother, but I was a vegetarian for 5 Jahre-Gerade. Natdairy is a nutritional necessity ürlich, but you can get nutrients \'t from other sources, that you can, gets from dairy. You/they können almond gets, rice or soy milk products. Vitamins with a balanced meal should hold her/it/them healthy. As yearn the right N for them for itself as Sie\'wieder thenährstoffe gets that needs her/it/them will be she/it for going well.
however, there is not anything wrong a vegetarian the placing of children, whom a vegetarian diet simply makes young to risky, from Leigh with the being. Children then need other matters, that make adults, a vegetarian food therefore is, that an adult one or older child on can fine does, for a baby or a toddler or younger child very unhealthy. a family, that pulled up her/its/their child as a vegetarian, knows i that they saw a Diätplaner and had plan well one from food, difficulties were she/it, didnt pulls in consideration, that children then have other dietary needs adults. both of her/its/their children became very sick, it produced this, scurvy had, and the other was serious verzögerter developmentally because she/it gets her/its/their needs didnt, and they were taken by child services, until the parents parenting-Klassen took and consented to keep her/it/them on a meat, food filled until they were older. the parents became verbl meanwhileüfft completely and shocked, as could therefore be harmed her/its/their children by this food, while they went it well. Irons and vitamins are the fewest of your worries, there is m 12 proteins, that develop children really physically and mentally for itself,üssen, and besides meat the single source, about gotten, that these 12 proteins are, if you feed them a big servi,
also, a vegetarian/vegan is to be become, a personal moral decision, that should meet everyone for itself, as soon as they are sufficiently old in order to make ihn/es for the correct reasons. is not something, which für she/it should be decided, and something is not, with which they should be lifted. my advice is she/it to be kept on an omnivorous food until they are go ahead you 10, when they want to become a vegan/vegetarian.
from Dawn, I don\'t believe that Kühe-Milch is a necessary part of our food, especially for a nursing child. If there youover thinks, Kühe-Milch is, in any age, a substitute for human milk, never is optimally it. We are the single Säugetier that drinks it milk of another animal and telephone calls "necessary."
Milk allergies, and lactose intolerance is some of the most usual chimney relative health problems, however people, who avoid dairy for those reasons, can still be very healthy without even doing significant substitutions in her/its/their food. , To drink milk, also as a cultural habit can be seen. Much bevthe age of disaccustoming drinks ölkern about the Milchdon\'t for him/it with the whole past.
As your health nurse the chimney groups as a reason for worry about his/its food, it thinks on her/its/their level to train over nutrition, mentioned. The idea of the chimney groups as one balances ", food" was not created until over the 1950\'er, and it really is a surface-even approach to healthy nutrition. There are many people, who cut out one or more of the chimney groups out, whether beside election or allergies or other questions, still is f howeverähig, to lead a healthy food.
A registered dietician can of definately help you, that ate well, because they are the real experts for the topic. ICH\'m a nurse also, and I have because of my own interest in the topic more over food, it learned as I did into working the school as a nurse. I brought an Ernährungskurs in college, as a choice. Most nurses have very little in Ernährung besides coping g-Rohren and IV-Flüssigkeiten training. Essentially, we aren\'t really the one, that of Ernährungsrat is that should assume you a "professional" level.
through * EMMA LAURAS*MOMMA, whom I don\'t know anything, of the vegetarian being or vegan, but if still your job as a nurse even 2 - 3 times per day, that should be a sufficent-Ersatz in the milk of cow for the calcium and the fat. My main worry wäre her/its/their iron. How is your and her/its/their iron? Most toddlers leave her/its/their iron prüfen, so that I guess, that it is fine? ICH\'d says, thereß the health nurse more anxiously b/c was, the food of your family is not anything very much, which she/it will train, over.
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