Monday, 18 July 2011

Is music, sing or hear, prohibited in Islam? Why?

Is music, sing or hear, prohibited in Islam? Why?

Now, I ask question because I read a controversial report.
/ World.

from e

Best answer chosen by Asker

there are many other doctrines in Islam. they are not correct on different questions, like this, in agreement. many Muslim Gesellschaften integrated Islam historically into her/its/their culture. there are versions of Islam in african-muslim-Gesellschaften where singing and singing are a part of worship. there is also a sect i for turkey, you think this, \'sufi Muslims\'s is called, that has also any type of a ritual, where music is played, and they turn themselves in a trance and i believes, thereß she/it originally picked up intoxicant smooths, as they did this. then, there are the versions, that of Stammeswüstenvölker that tends, to be more basic, from Saudi arabian comes out, and sometimes by force and brutally because the lifestyle become integrate this into the religion it for those trunks, as Islam had stretched to them. widersprüchliche schools of the religion are so. a cleric of a culture will necessarily not agree to all what a cleric of another says.
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thank you..
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Other Answers (2)

from wanted Mafia, you nauseate country completely..

from Moin Khan Yes, it is haraam because it is a tool of Satan. You/they können this resembling on it asks

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