Is breast the really best?
I have myself 3 children, all the bottle lived and roughly healthy, and babies had 2 of my friends recently. ICHgemerkter a real Erhöhung at the lot of pressure new mommy accelerates \'ve is to breast feed and surprised, if a mother is especially emphasized and feels incapable to nurse, but with health pros, who attract the pressure for the mother, in order to only do, that, is breast the really best?I still should look an adult slam at the Jeremy Kyle-Show her/its/their mother for it not to nurse her/it/them, or bottle has, that lives as a cause of an important illness, or seen, that a child excluded at the school, because it were fed bottle,...
Do you make burden for the negations, uncomfortableness, provides and so on, outway therefore sometimes this positive? , Incidentally my personal opinion of everyone is to her/its/their own one although I am very suspicious about the lot of pressure, that is exerted on new mommy, \'s.
through smedrik
Best answer chosen by voters
No ready one milks or formulas will be digested so easily and will be contained the anitbodies, that breast milk does.If possible women should look at the breast, it is cheap, useful and the healthiest meal for you SIEHE.
However, BreastBreast is not right for all, at the end of the day as yearn you itself as your child, a healthy one is fed, everything is healthy. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS
This question over really is "breast particular " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich
Other Answers (16)
from Starsfan.... yes breast is the best. It is Naturen-Perfektessen für your baby. And it is für the mother to breast so healthy, you also live. This doesn\'t means, thereß formula not good is. It only isn\'t at the best as far as Ernährung and other health profits.
Thinks you should breast feed I, if you then can. And the most woman conserves breast feed. But only because I think, somebody should, doesn\'t means, thereß she/it should not have, one the election. And there is a difference between it, itself too bemühen, to inform, soon, in order to be mommies of the benefits of the breast feeding, and criticizing or laying down of her/its/their election, as soon as it is done.
through busybee2...:) is a personal election
I fill, nourished my first son wasnt this as me, that really get, you hang feeing from breast, and he/it was a healthy small man
I breast nourished means second son, as I older and a quantity was, patient. I wünschte me then wirklich\'d been persistant more with my first.
O.K., so that it causes uncomfortableness, if it makes you right dont, but I felt my baby so near from it, him/it him/it and nuturing, to feed even. Just as the health benefits of the Brustfütterung.
through jen property, other than initial uncomfortableness in the early weeks, I don\'t know any true negations.
Yes, breast is the really best. If Sie\'wieder emphasized "", that it does, you sense, in order to make the easy, natural fuss about tons of money for something sooner than bowl, which must be measured, ready, heated, washed up after it, and so on
from Taylor_Lonsdale!! his/its healthier for the baby, it gives them more vitamins and iron new system for there. i-Brust ernährte itself, it can be, you sometimes climb for him/it besides his/its value if you want a healthy baby.
Ifrom T3PO, the BooJu loves, that I think, that, if you will be emphasized to it out, you show THIS across, as you nourish your child, you should look for professional help.
from IBCLC & nurse JC breast is milk what our generation made living. If it wasn\'t für breast milk we would not be here. Mütter used, her/its/their baby at her/it/them, worked and worked as a nurse.
from Ian Been used for a million of years or with it, so I believe that it must be O.K..
through peters out p you, that I love breast.
through Adrian? I am correct vollst for youändig to.
Sometimes, the problems outweigh the benefits. Some women go through extreme pain and uncomfortableness, that itself bemühen, to nurse. It can in her/its/their mind and Körpern very stressful is, and this can feel emphasize you small for itself. Therefore not only, it is not für mommy, it, gut\'s not good for baby also.
I have 4 children. Two were nursed, and two were not. I challenge you to it, itself too bemühen and supposition that was nursed one and that a weren\'t, because I can assure, is you no difference there. No one of my children has allergies, my two this is in the school, is at the top of her/its/their classes, and my bottle ernährte itself, babies still must become sick.
Of course, we all know that is breastmilk more exactly helathy, and good for babies, but you are ignorant if you believe that a baby cannot increase in order to be healthy and hurts, if it are fed bottle.
People must stop to exert pressure on other mothers. Nursing doesn\'t do you to a better mommy, still bottle does, thereß you feeding of a bad mother does. As yearn, as you you the best tin, that, does, s all this important is.
vonvon Stardust, expecting of baby no.3!! my son is 5 yrs old, and i itself to nurse 5 days long troubled, the pressure was then completely gigantic, i for itself, at the 5, decided. Meet to hold cuz, my son only didn\'t want to suck.. he/it became spät 11 day born, but a very strong one, so that he/it would really be frustrated, lets tried i nipple signs nipple subjclone sucked didnt, tried pumping i and got only 1/4 oz.., so that traded i on formula, and he/it was much gladder.
I dont thinks, that you would find a healthier small boy, the single illnesses are, that he/it has, regular childhood coughs and colds and eczema, that are hereditary,..
my daughter old now 12 weeks was from birth of fed formula, and was the first 10 weeks however hard cuz that was she/it on regular formula and we only found out her/it/them, lactose is intolerant.. anyway, she/it couldnt now is healthier... she/it constantly increases, although she/it is dainty, 10lb 9oz with 11 weeks, and has nourished other friends with breast babies, who are continually sick, i...
through red99 compatible I !00 percent. I had a very hard duration with Brustfütterung, I certainly am not why, but I did. I did all matters, thereß you to it is assumed, you put baby on boobs, as he/it was hungry, every time massaged breasts, ate healthy, much water drank, and really I, about the milk, that go, pumped to get, but I didn\'t have only much milk. My baby always was hungry! Natürlich, that a feeling of the deficiency of the spiraled also ignited, with many other questions also, a depression, that I still take the trouble to occupy itself/themselves with it. If he/it now is almost 3 months, and I still get people, who ask me, you are OH for Brustfütterung? And they judge me every time if I tell No. to Isn, \'t the whole point of feed the baby, why, like women like it fühlen, that we must place each other along the whole time.
I am a creditor of him/it, from which you placed, you return. I never have done over somewhat so sensitive another women feeling like shit.
from Lisa S, I wanted to nurse.
i planned, for the first year to 18 months, that are informed about it, to do, therefore, a pump, the hole nine yards, bought.
What I didn\'t plan, had a premature infant, who" could suckle "sufficiently not strongly, in order to bring in my milk completely. I bemühte me, to work her/it/them three weeks long as a nurse, but she/it got sufficiently not. , I weiß, they say that this is gotten enough baby, but as me pumped, I produced less as three tablespoons of the milk one day,
EherEher as let this she/it dries up, I changed to the bottle.
She/it was healthy as a horse for her/its/their whole childhood, and rarely sick with something!
Therefore luck, and doesn\'t do over burden. If you want to nurse, and can, you go dafür.
If not... it will go your baby well.
from Kirsty P, my mommy had five children, and she/it was incapable to breast, you feed none because of bad milk quality from us. This now was \'m 28 some time ago, (me), and my eldest sister is 51, but then smooths her/it/them, that are felt under any pressure. This Mad little in the surface over me is pregnant and due soon and from conversations, that we had her/it/them, feels time completely over the lot of pressure, that was exerted on her/it/them. The single instruction, that was given her/it/them by the midwife/antenatal-Terminen, is switched on a DVD ern like to breastheads you itself, so that already little she/it one suffers equiped feels, before she/it even started. But everyone drummed into her/it/them, thereß she/it breast feed must. Before she/it gave even birth, she/it worries about the consequences, if not she/it fähig is to be done this. Only from this, I believe, thereß the pressure on Mum gigantic is, s, in order to nurse, but from my own family, and stories of friends, no one, about which I know turned for itself because of the formula feeding awfully out.
My thoughtsthrough carla, it knows i t, that however, his/its hard one left leave emphasize only dont people you, both ways nourish your baby and give him/it the nutrients, that it needs. my daughter has 2 children with one i f on the way and the breastür only over one month with one bottle only before the bed. my son of i breast ernährte itself 2 months long before the bed with one bottle. i plans, as he/it they resembling fthird think ür done. dont-Gefühl placed at all under pressure, in order to make ihn/es, but if you can, even if was done for a small be attempt at each small scrap support bottle to do everything, which your baby needs, so that no pressure, you give him/it only one attempt and if it likes you dont, dont continues. but it doesnt hurt, itself too bemühen =]
Mommy of 2 and pregnant with 3.from Amelia, one can now opened up worms youve ooh!! lol!!! i dont believes, that everyone can dispute the fact, that breast milk is better for baby by far, as formula. Own species milk becomes gef for all on the planet from itüttert, dog milk for young dogs and so on.., but we nourish our milk of a cow with udders of dried babies, and four tolerate!! Breastfeeding is very hard with first, so maximum respect for people, who lead it! I can understand, why the midwifes encourages, is breast the best, but they walk around i in the wrong way, will always nurse and still is, but i fühlte itself under so many printed posters and dvds everywhere, brochures i knows the effort to help besides theve there, gone a little dictatorially with it! Company is you for Br in order to accuse w seesüste as sexual matter, in order to sell Autos-Bier and so on instead of the meal for our babies. Therefore breast is ernährungsmäßig the best, but this a new mother judges kann\'s-Situation, if she/it says otherwise. Formula retained many babies lives x everyone own to there
from baby Jude\'s mummy!!! Breast is the undoubtedly best in sense on it, because she/it is easier to digest and containing of antibodies as the mother of one 4 weeks old son, who still tries her/it/them, the best after the 4 days in hospital, to nurse, spends, and so on however, as my baby of Probleme-Fütterung, as he/it was born, had follow to then suffer with dreadful bleeding and crying nipples, through an agonising-Kampf of mastitis, that I can tell you, that it could not be the best, if the mother suffers, and therefore what is meant, to be, a wonderful, binding time is, feed your baby as you, you only torture. I did everything of it, a Milchabsonderungsanh,änger, to consult to it, a super-expensive electric breastpump and is to be bought the reason, that I went to such lengths, because, as you said the pressure, I me feels, that to nurse, is gigantic. In no one of my prwas änatalen classes, I given information about formula feeding. IchIch combines gegenwärtig formula with nursing, and it is at least my baby breastmilk at the moment, that works for me, still gets. But I was scared so, as I first started to use formula, and it depended on me as it is to be certainly used to be found out, this information wasn, \'t provided to me, as it was about nursing. Es\'s very easily für people, who said, that problems can normally be overpowered silence, but if you let these problems with lack of sleep and the burden, and worry, then combine a brand new parent to be it, is not so easy. I believe, thereß of each mother should be allowed to pick the best way of the feeding for her/it/them and her/its/their baby, and sometimes this must be formula. If mommy and baby then are both glad, this is the most important matter undoubtedly. You/they are völlig right, not nursing isn\'t that goes, to later lead to any important questions in lives!
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