Monday, 18 July 2011

From Omar X inspired: Does Wahbai/Salafi recommend, adult men to quiet!?

From Omar X inspired: Does Wahbai/Salafi recommend, adult men to quiet!?

/ question/index;.


from M.

Best answer chosen by Asker

@ Muhammad G;
Maybe there is not any faster way to leave Islam, as of Muslim through the repute of other "kafir" or "mushrik."
Over calling of other Muslim "kafir" read the following hadith we: It is reported from Ibn about the authorization ` Umar this the prophet, you are allowed to peaces, and blessing is on him/it, said: Any person, whom his/its brother names,: O Unbeliever! , then the truth of this writing, würde to one of them returns. If it is true, it then is, as he/it declared, but if it is not true, it comes to him/it theück, and according to the person, who is, an unbeliever the accusation did, [Moslem]
Therefore, if you call other Muslim "kafir" or "mushrik", you could find that you left Islam, according to the words of the prophet, s.a.w., in less than one second. "

... I would watch, what, maybe your own Sunni Hadith returns you in order to later bite you says.

Maddy x
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
The logical incoherence and the lacking unison of her/its/their arguments confuses me...
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Other Answers (12)

from Muhammad, Ghurabah.... for your nice information, Mr. Shia, Omar X is, a troll, atheist and a kaafir only like you.

My Allaah says:
"O you who believes! Be afraid of Allaah, and you are with those, that are true, in Wörtern and actions")

[al-Tawbah 9:119. interpretation of the meaning]

But of course you are excused by the type of \'O for you, whoever believe!"

Astagfirullaah has any shame the next time that you announce such a question.

through lives or the death for Ahlul Bayt AS his/its allowed one it in sunnism...
@ rosy pearl:: is maybe, you learned the drinking of no one of the sahaba... she/it must have done it to each other... his/its allowed one it in your sunnism.. men and men women and women... and men to women women to men... lol... u sunnis
even ayesha nursed any stranger... this declares this s unequivocally, it is allowed in sunnism.. you sunnis distinguishes the hadiths very healthy from bukhari i-Vermutung

through! HanifaK... I würde it my relative never, to suckle a grown man, allows.

Do I hope this the single sheik, it, because some sheiks think his/its haram, allows the husband himself beverage breast milk to admit the woman, therefore, why be allowed a stranger to do it?


from Tahmid Salam


UndUnd this, slaves of the kindest (Allah) are those faithfully, that in humility and sedateness on the earth goes, and if the stupid addresses her/it/them (with bad words), they answer the gentleness with mild words back.

through Shiite Gaay-Ajatollah Al-Khoei, drinking recommended
And our Shia Hadith also recommends it with either men or women

through sara5 his/its strange one
although his/its natural one
if an adult has a drop from it,... milk
as it
he/it must assume her/it/them as her/its/their mommy [milk sharing]
and then....
he/it conserves only t... troubles you to make,....

from SZ, he/it is not even a Moslem, he/it is a troll


Seeker from Mutah

through be property you this against the Koranic teachings. The May Allah has HIS/ITS pity on you and them:)

from steed July..., why feels sad for itself i,... hahaha!

through caramel wtf???

these abasing women, who are, are this werwer only allowin to the men, whom wana-Knall rounds to the house, so that they conserve telephone call, you mother for her????

oh my God i knows that gona absolutley annoyed the world, but this has? seen ive & now heard everythin!

from D wanders wthhh for itself.. idk wot original talkin over, but only injustice finishes speaking.
thats that nauseates

Because of his/its low class hid answer

Only in sahih sunni-Büchern

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