Monday, 18 July 2011

Did the health of the breast nourish babies late in lives?

Did the health of the breast nourish babies late in lives?

all studies led on the health of middle old adult breast, fed vrs. ernährte itself formula? and if says i, fütterte breast i-Mitte one year or more.. or everyone has every info. on it.. i asks only cause, that my mother schwört, that I and my brothers are, and then becomes healthier the nursing of us and overseeing of our food remains the most because of her as children.., she/it said some other about fat cells, that are developed in childhood, idk. any info helpfully. Thanks.

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my mommy was hippie of the bf well for over one year....


from Granola Mom

Best answer chosen by Asker

Yes optimal nutrition (exclusive nursing) will give the basis for the rest of his/its life to the child\'s health. This is, why of Formel-gefütterte babies in higher danger for obesity, diabetes, allergies and Brustkerbs (woman) as well as overian-Krebs are. These consiquences are long lives.
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Other Answers (5)

vonvon Cookkiie.... breast feeding softness more nutritions with the baby, if they are young,

from PapiCulo Look on La Leche League

La Leche League International is one of the oldest and biggest organizations. You/they können also normally parents groups or classes at your local community center, hospital or YMCA finds.

One of the most clever matters, that you can do, that to guarantee you, gets to nurse at a big beginning away, one day or two after birth is to be arranged a discussion with a lactation advisor. Maybe you/they want to meet her also before birth. A lactation advisor is one in helping M, to get üttern, nursing right, and solving of problems trained specialist, if they should occur. You/they können the name of a lactation advisor of your local La Leche League or your pediatrician erhalten\'s-Büro.

Let taken all other household wheels somebody else several weeks after birth for the first. Have take husband, relatives and friends, being turns "Servants one day" long. if you older children have, you report the help of a neighborhood preteen a "Mütter-Helfer", that entertained the children, itself as it during you rests and itself on baby concentrates. Put in a Doula if with totally möglich. A Doula specializes in taking worry of the Bedürfnisse the mother. Postpartum-Sorge-Dienste become very populär. , In order to see, if there is a Doula to Doulas from North America in your area, contact DONA.


I cannot tell you about any studies, but I can tell you about my husband and his/its sister. He/it was not nursed, but she/it was, and her/its/their health differences are night and day. Nursing schränkt childhood obesity one, ear infections, and so on essentially the baby can weg\'s immune system piggyback from mommy until he/it develops his/its own one if he/it nursed, that means less illnesses.

from Pippin yes, there were studies in the long concept the health of nursed babies. Many the health benefit place throughout lives away. , Adults, that were nursed, probably are allergies and so on to develop a wide selection of the health questions, diabetes, obesity, crohn, \'s-Krankheit,

Of course studies are statistical, and populations, not individuals, look at. There is not any way to it, you prove, thereß you healthy will be, or demonstrates had nursed you, that your good health is the result of it directly.

And..., to be beautiful, also is it important to notice that today adults, that are \'middle, the deposited wurdene, babies in a time were to be fed as methods, very different was. Even nursed babies were normally only nursed some months long, and caught früh with solids at. , I doubt seriously, thereß each researcher capable, to find, would be, a statistically relevent-Probe of 50 year old Americans/Western Europeans, that was nursed for 12 months+, and given no solids 6 months. And baby formulas also were very different.

I heard about Javi that this breast milk is way for developement of stuopides, that I read, better.

I was no however fed rbeast which explains, why un such a dum@ss

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