Monday, 18 July 2011

Do you know, drinks breast milk like a baby and more clever becomes,that something if adults made them/her/it for resembling, will theybecome more clever?

Do you know, drinks breast milk like a baby and more clever becomes, that something if adults made them/her/it for resembling, will they become more clever?

Only curiosities un not to familiar with the whole nursing pain.

from Jayarama...

Best answer chosen by voters


Breast mill helps babies on many manners, that are read below.

Nursing protects your baby before gastrointestinal-Schwierigkeiten, respiratory problems and ear infections. Nursing can your baby developing allergies sch before itselfützen. Nursing fördert maybe your Kind\'s-Intelligenz
Nursing later protects against obesity in lives maybe.
Nursing protects your baby before childhood leukemia maybe. Nursing schützt maybe your baby before it, to develop type\'s 1 diabetes. Nursing schützt maybe later preemies in lives before infections and high blood pressure
Nursing lowers your baby\'s risk of SIDS maybe.

Nursing of helps you, that decreased, that nursing can, sinks, your burden is honest and reduces postpartum-Blutung
Nursing reduced maybe your risk of some types of cancer
Nursing later protects against osteoporosis in lives maybe -


Other Answers (7)

from Amanda K yes..... babies doesn\'t become more clever, in that they drink breast milk. You/they become healthier.

more clever from Sarah Not, but they would be healthier.

Human milk is done for people, babies or therefore it would be nearer for that otherwise, what is for us of course, even if it is not what we normally would expect.

Breastmilk helps so technically until at the moment with brain development, we are 18 or with it, and our brains are developed completely, we either had until then the benefits of breastmilk... or not.

Hope that this helps, ~

Here, a connection is to a side over brain development and nursing:

through notyou31.... you sure need something, to make you more clever, and it is no breast milk. Maybe you should look at a brain transplant.

through motherse.... we know why you, that are asked.

But FYI, the brain is not finished completely with his/its development until the Mitt-20.

And P.. that is nursing no pain, it is a beautiful natural matter between a mother and her/its/their BABY.

through isaiah`s mommy babies dont becomes you more clever, in that you drink breastmilk, they become healthier, they don\'t procure intelligence for her/its/their mothers immune system.

Babies become actual through maegs33 more clever. There is a direct interrelation between duration of nursing and adult IQ. Many studies from there prove it.

But, because the brains are formed by adult completely, they are unlikely to earn the benefits.

I actually should reformulate this: Babies were born with the ability to reach a certain IQ. If you nurse a baby, they are enough vollständig the capacity. If you formula or any other breastmilk-Ersatz, babies use, brains place auf\'t develops to her/its/their full Kapazität.

through buttercu.... my husband inadvertantly got one mouthful a few times. I place auf\'t believes, thereß it him/it at all more clever did!

That was sad unrefined. Ahhhh, memories....

Monster warning, a confusion?

warning, a confusion?

IchIch has a notification from the gets that I therefore broke concepts the accounts, that my account can be deleted, next time. But schlußfolgern you, because there was not been.

Maybe what comes into my sense, is this, maybe you recur, it could be that I clamps regarding nursing (children) or milking of boobs small clamps some videos announced, but taken from the search engines mostly and my Favourtine joined. If it then is the reason, my mind is confused. Basic being, as which I marked these videos, "privately". is in his/its search and system of more adult St for itself secondly, for example,ücken full, the groups of dirtier adult groups have. So, I wonder, why simply my some video clamps of announcing, that take directly from search even, or from listings even can a cause für cancellation of the account becomes.

Everyone can please lead.

through Robert-mi...

Best answer chosen by voters

You/they are allowed to, announced adult content in a Y!A-Forum, that prohibits it.

It is similar television. Any content can be shown in the afternoon after ten, but not before. 50 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

This question over " warning, a con. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (2)

through worldiso... if helps the repute, she/it calls pl. or e-mail she/it and erklärt what happened, right and asks her/it/them further to determine. do you strive advice her/it/them also something fr to do after it?
dont speech abbot those dirty stuffs itself. he/it is plplütig and polite, as u dont knows the person on the other end.
goodluck 25 percent 1 voices

through clairejg... it gives narrow careful people, who been able to report you. Some people können from the stupidest of matters is offended. 25 percent 1 voices

Would you be, as the reader, with it fine?

Would you be, as the reader, with it fine?

I know, that I posted this before, but I believe that the name of my last question scared away some answerers.

I write a history, in which God calls a woman, leaves, you call her/its/their April to alter other cells of animals and people and to do successfully male and female hybrids of the animals. The first species, that is a horse/human-Hybride. She/it also does also this in the history with other animals. She/it loves these children as her/its/their own one and helps, she/it beside her/its/their animal Mütter, to lift. , s+s + e+e = hybrid, if you get my point können,

There are two problems, that I am, the uneasy folk doesn\'t assume, however, could.

One: Several weeks/months during the pregnancies of April uses in command of her to give milk, a breast pump, because the hybrids are birthed from the animal mother. She/it believes, thereß she/it milk of both of the altered species will need and probably she/it, in order to help, nurses to do the maternal connection. , Mütter and newborns do, fortified through nursing. Ask about somebody (that has)

Is this to wide from there?

Two: The hybrids, or the women at least, you go into heat seasons and men, is also influenced. The mother müht itself during those certain times in the course of time from. The hybids, like real preteens, teenagers and animals, as well you explore yourself and each other. There is only a Stück in the ichin detail, the first time in the first hybrids, more exactly \'m. future heats is only referenced in the history at certain points and finally until... sees you below.

Three: My problem is that if still the animals/humans, no certain name, reach adulthood, they are confused if they yearn for a family and take the trouble to calculate what is the best. You/they know, thereß, if they propagate together, she/it birth a hybrid like she/it would become. But the wäre of course incest, because they are bro and sis. You/they are ausdrücklich one man a woman, so that April can concentrate on more than an animal hybrid. , In order to do more than only one horse hybrid, but also hybrids of the Kühe, goats, stag ect.

I understand Bible stories like Adam, and Eva can tell to it, and sailed of the Noah with his/its wife, his/its sons and her/its/their wives on board. Kinda extremelyählt with a cousin question.

The book has some adult topics, but is not perverted. What is your opinion on the questions of this novel?

Additional details

To some of the questions in the answers:

Yes, there is a male father

The hybrids are bro and sis and are held secretly in the history earlier. You/they wouldn\'t wants a volunteer, that away with one of them läuft, until she/it can guarantee, that they can live finely in the real world. (She/it goes into this während the history,

As children met puberty, they explore themselves and are curious from others, it is a true fact. And if they ripen, they place auf\'t hopefully does, thereß no at least until the marriage. If the hybids is in adulthood, they know better this also.


from j p

Best answer chosen by Asker

Interesting idea. It read not certainly ich\'d, but then, I am really not in science fiction.

1, first from, how does this Mrs. Milch produce? Did she/it have a child recently? Did she/it have a child and uphold the arrival only the breast, that pumps, in order to keep the milk? Think the basic biological requests of her/it/them, even f,ähig, to be, to do this. Muß it second is, breast milks? I think that formula is not ungewöhnlich, to pull up for it, people and animal babies. If manages this woman k a human-animal hybrid, couldn,önnte, \'t she/it calculates this with her/its/their science know-how? I weiß, that you want it for it, "the maternal connection" however this is no request at this connection with real life. In a literary sense should ernährend the babies on a manner or another this connection for the reader manages.

you don\'t need 2, as soon as you describe something once, again for it. If you make you again for him/it, ll bore only your reader. Fügen you details only in following events to it if and so on than the first time some important one is different to character development, action. Also, you are careful with your details, too certain details over sex,etc. the history moves too dirty. I propose, concentrated you to guarantee stay on it, why you included this sceen. Sceens may somewhat really mean this you; if it and the history can be cut, no lessend is \'s-Bedeutung from it as well, I wit considers ürde because it has it.

3, why they had to brother and sister? This woman couldnholt \'t mulitple genetic tests? Also, logically the woman wouldn\'t wants, thereß she/it because of the incest causes in later generations of gone over birth itself with a sibling propagates. , Was these siblings of exploring "from each other earlier in part 2? If with it, why are they, now involved so, give to them other parents serious, the animal mothered softness birth to 2 of these hybrids athe the same time? Most of the animals, that you only aufführten, has a baby at a time, Sie\'ll still has man a woman one. You the author and is your invented universe, reception control of it! =)

Anyway I hope that this madly long answer has some helpful one for you. Glad letter!


My brain
Disclaimer: because everything of it of my brain comes, it can be only my own opinion, and doesn\'t have to be agreed so such with it. That never is meant, what I say, middle or excessive, to be critical, only honest reaction meant to help. Remain something this you wish, you leave the silence.
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This answer really got me the thinking, I will keep it in mind.
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Other Answers (6)

from Mandy, I believe that it swings! Places to write you away!

through purple_d... its interesting, but complicates

through half-moon, I don\'t know that something my you through fine, I won\'t go do it well, but I will read it. Klänge interestingly!

from Shawna, It like a very unique idea sounds. EsEs sounds one little strangely, but not to the point where es\'s völlig repulsively.

This will probably promise only a certain group of people, who also is fine, but I don\'t know whether that is, for what you go.

DenkeDenke I that, because the topic is a little strange, that you must be careful, if you write it, so that it doesn\'t come off from the deep end, knows ya? I hates it if ich\'m, the a novel reads, and it is a bißchen strangely, and the point occurs only more strangely and more strangely where it doesn\'t make any sense.

by Cassandra Longley Personally, I would be offended by none of the questions, on which you brought. ICH\'m interested f for itselfür questions of the ethics, genetics, and changing of lives, so that I would be more curious over it, how you interact with them. UndUnd brings this to the important point me, like the reader assumes, these ideas really become abh from itängen, as you write them. If of Sie\'wieder the letter für an adult public, never, you fear that the reader is to prudish or unripe.

My main question be strength from that, to what you gave us, with "God", whom they drive, behind it, but maybe that is no gigantic problem on it the descent how you present it. To me, I wouldndenkt \'t from it one, Christian God as the buoyancy, that is, für these types of experimentations, but if you can make it believable for him/it, s all this important is. Also, * like * she/it is fähig, that to execute these experiments, a big question will be with your credulity. Is she/it on a farm or insulate somewhere? Does she/it work at home? Or in a laboratory? ICH\'d places itself animal hybrids to it brings, quite recognizably würde to before and excites attention after a while.

that is through cathrl69, which here me really confused, why you have a human "mother", and also an animal "mother". wo\'s the männliche entanglement? Where do the y-Chromosome come from it?

This would become more sense all the brand to my mind far if your "April" was character a man. Then, you simply avoid all silence / mütterliches binding stuff. He/it can be a daddy. And you milk this from both species matter, you don\'t make any sense simple. Even normal human babies grow up simply finely, if her/its/their mommies können, \'t nurses, and then absolutely gets her/it/them from her/its/their own species no milk. Nursing is something to be preferred, but by no means necessary.

The next generation breeding doesn\'t work. Hybrids place auf\'t Züchtet other hybrids, they are sterile. If you will push, "Science" then must make it for sense.

Women breast, that nourishes, older men, to do about him/it, relative, is particular in Muslim religion?

Women breast, that nourishes, older men, to do about him/it, relative, is particular in Muslim religion?

/ blog/is.

Mohammed, the 9 year aged wife the warrior all the Mohammed\'s breast feeding, to make about her/its/their relative, did. And now is a fatwa f in Saudi Arabiaür women to breast feed her/its/their colleagues 5 times per day, she/it, to make relatives,..
His/its strange one any Muslim, in order to answer there,..

Additional details



from Kishana

Best answer chosen by Asker

W. Montgomery watt, as he/it wrote,:
By the big men of the whole world, no one was therefore slandered very much as Muhammad really told those word,

Even many of the Islamic scholar trouble, you question yourself, in order to avoid these,

But as if you knew, these are not the single matters, in which one can find strangely in Islam.

It is haraam in Islam in order to hold your penis with your right hand if you empty the intestine or urinate, or during the intimacy.
Rules, in order to urinate, and s-Los strange.
Pray before entering an Islamic toilet

There is much, you so for example
one of the Muslim maulana in Bangladesh and in kerala(India, said a Muslim quantity

She/it penis is Ak 47 application it against Hindu(Sikh,Buddhists,Janis, Christians women and extended Islam.

You/they cut the genitals only days after birth.

Halal-Zeremonie, where they kill bakras, in that they cut savagely deadly half throat, and it with it, that they didn\'t kill it, concludes.

What you said, actually is a part of her/its/their custom
as they don\'t view, every connection doesn\'t smooth n brother in b/w sister
if they are no breast feed through same mother., wtf.....)

Men are asked therefore, her/its/their wives in kuran and, to beat one(sic so much strange,........)
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Other Answers (3)

through laduni, It is to be made this for the Islamic decision. Adversely, everything, which they could find, wants sensationalize to distort the fact, from Islam. Only babies were allowed once, but was spätere restriction of Muhammad with some of his/its hadiths. People distort the real one usual Islamic decision gladly.

through an_gel_o.... this is a surprise! Thanks!
<> <

from Oderus Urungus Wow, that is sick! My supposition is you, that are won, \'t each Muslim responders gets. You/they ignore matters like if it is not reportable.

Woman arrested for breast feeding during drunk. Crimes?

Woman arrested for breast feeding during drunk. Crimes?

Personally I believe as the adult child of an alcoholic, that she/it should let removed her/it/them the child, and that she/it should be sterilized like a dog, so that she/it can never propagate upward, and another child abuses.

It is illegal to give alcohol to a child... she/it gets it drunkenly... she/it doesn\'t look after her/its/their child, who is neglect and abuse, with one of emotionally or physically healthy home...

WennWenn the state reason, to remove a mother, who comes to the birth for illegal drug positively upward, a child, has, why is it not illegal to breast feed, while intoxicated with a substance, that is transferred by breast milk?

What is your opinion about it?

~ * ~ ~ * ~ THE DIFFERENCE PLEASE LEARNS THEM. ~ * ~ ~ * ~

Fox news video clamp:
/ blotter/2009/06.

Mom admits drunk guiltily, that nurses,
/ info/community_.
~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~? ~ * ~

, It is VERY sad that I must place disclaimers in order to keep away a question of it to be deleted,


from Helen W.

Best answer chosen by voters

You/they sound bitter.

I am a former alcoholic. I"m unemotionally now become, was 11 years long. I regret some of the matters, that I did, as I drank, but a chance had ich\'ve to repair the damage. I believe, thereß everyone the same chance should have.

I know that my children love me, and am glad that they are with me today.

Everything, which I must say, is this. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (3)

from BikerChi... I agrees you, that the child should have been removed her/it/them, and her never should be allowed to have more children. WHY? Because of ALCOHOL to ME, one of THE worst drugs is, that per is invented, and the Härteste, to give up. An alcoholic can draußen go, you guzzle FOR YEARS, and again, one day only then starts to drink without beating an eye.

through nicolek2... this is definitive, a crime,she intoxicates an infant

through gotten you definitely really a crime. However, she/it gives technical, you guzzle to a Minderjährigen.

Wants, he/it nurses if it is done by husband?

Wants, he/it nurses if it is done by husband?

it will be as good for adults like for baby. i middle wil, the für normal adults for dringking well will milk????

from Wiccan~M...

Best answer chosen by Asker

This depends on you. But if the woman gegenwärtig a CHILD nurses, you could interferers in your milk, that she/it produces for the child, very much production(how if you make it too much. And although breast milk extremely healthy for babies there is, s not much in it for an adult.
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nice answer
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Other Answers (4)

jerk sure through niceguy on a chair and gets a napkin

through foggily blue really if you want, it goes for it, nobody cannot tell you. more power over you

through brisbane b why didnt that you only say that I can stink on my partners, * * * * with her nurses??? certainly can you! Geschmäcke like shit me is said, my seminal fluid donor tried it, but hello, you sprout yourself! which absorption your imagination:,


been taken care of there that....

through beagle1 humanely, milk is dear and a little thinner as Kühe-Milch, but it doesn\'t taste good badly. People (even babies) are no idiots, and become für until two years of her/its/their life no bad tasty meal eats.
However, I would not make this to your single source of the nutrition, and if you drink a quantity, you will bring your wife to producing way more as the baby needs.

Does your worry please on history, that I write?

Does your worry please on history, that I write?

I know that I, this before several times, knocked against but I need some further worries about people before I am comfortable doing all alterations.

I write a history, in which God calls a woman, leaves, you call her/its/their April to alter other cells of animals and people and to do successfully male and female hybrids of the animals. The first species, that is a horse/human-Hybride. She/it also does also this in the history with other animals. She/it loves these children as her/its/their own one and helps, she/it beside her/its/their animal Mütter, to lift. , s+s + e+e = hybrid, if you get my point können,

There are two problems, that I am, the uneasy folk doesn\'t assume, however, could.

One: Several weeks/months during the pregnancies of April uses in command of her to give milk, a breast pump, because the hybrids are birthed from the animal mother. She/it believes, thereß she/it milk of both of the altered species will need, and probably she/it will nurse in order to help to do the maternal connection, wants, because maybe they also nurse from the animal mother. , Mütter and newborns do, fortified through nursing. Ask about somebody (that has)

Is this to wide from there?

Two: The hybrids, or the women at least, you go into heat seasons and men, is also influenced. The mother müht itself during those certain times in the course of time from. The hybrids, like real preteens, teenagers and animals, as well you explore yourself and each other. There is only a Stück in the ichin detail, the first time in the first hybrids, more exactly \'m. future heats is there only referenced like a sentence, but didn\'t exaggerate during certain points in the history and finally until... sees you below.

Three: My problem is that if still the animals/humans, no certain name, reach adulthood, they are confused if they yearn for a family and take the trouble to calculate what is the best. You/they know, thereß, if they propagate together, she/it birth a hybrid like she/it would become. But the wäre of course incest, because they are bro and sis. You/they are ausdrücklich one man a woman, so that April can concentrate on more than an animal hybrid. , In order to do more than only one horse hybrid, but also hybrids of the Kühe, goats, stag and so on

I understand Bible stories like Adam, and Eva can tell to it, and sailed of the Noah with his/its wife, his/its sons and her/its/their wives on board. Kinda extremelyählt with a cousin question.

The book has some adult topics, but is not perverted. What is your opinion on the questions of this novel?

, In order to answer some bygone worries,:

Yes, it gives up on a male father as well as animal, as also human side.

The hybrids are bro and sis and are held secretly in the history earlier. You/they wouldn\'t wants a volunteer, that away with one of them läuft, until she/it can guarantee, that they can live finely in the real world. (She/it goes into this während the history,

As children met puberty, they explore themselves and are curious from others, it is a true fact. And if they ripen, they place auf\'t hopefully does, thereß no at least until the marriage. If the hybrids are in adulthood, they know better this also.

through * beautylieswithin < 3

Best answer chosen by voters

Her/its/their story... is completly different!
but, sorta that confuses 50 percent 2 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to it on a manner! ! RSS

Other Answers (1)

your whole story from there is from Susannah C. ICH\'m confused: S 25 percent 1 voices

Why does my hubby present this way over our first pregnancy?

Why does my hubby present this way over our first pregnancy?

As Hubby and I as well as for us with really wanted children went out, as talked also about it to have a quantity for them. He/it got even the book, what, to expect, is, as your expecting, and read it, or at least parts of it, we talked over all big matters, that we wanted to do with our children, and the dreaming matter made only kinda.
We started to trouble us immediately, but didn\'t have good luck.
We started to have approximately 6 months of problem, after we had been married, and matters became quite rocky. After 3 years, I found from myself, was pregnant, während I in the middle of moving out was.
I am impressed been not during the pregnancy with him/it with all. EinigesEiniges of the stuff, that he/it says and does, is simply strange, I moved from and we living together now, and rarely, you see eachother, as it a bißchen of a drive is.
Is some examples here:
The first time, we went baby purchases, that he/it did the looking at the price appendages from stuff and saying, that he/it could get for his/its car (that he/it tried at the moment to soup upward) for this or this part, for the price of the baby piece.
If I took the trouble to talk with him/it about this, like which they will look, you think about hair color, color looks at and so on, the single matter is, that he/it says, that our twin daughters will smoke hotly and "big breasts have, he/it used a less correct word, but I it exactly."
He/it came over and built the manger incorrectly and would not repair it. Had, it my Vatilösung, to have, and not because hubby isn\'t capable.
ErEr took money of the account, that I had put for the motherhood permission ($500) aside, and won\'t pay back it, he/it then earns more money 6 times, I do and at the moment, I am on bedrest and cannot work.
Every time if he/it and I talk, he/it talks about matters, he/it wants that we make do without the children, I plan this all he/it on back with him/it over not, however. he/it wants to drive to Mexico and the babies with Großeltern leave. He/it kann\'t wait til she/it is in the school, so that we have time together alone,.. we becomes all this gro onceßartigen data without the children, whom he/it gets his/its new work and so on, have
As I talked with him/it about it, nurses and this, to want stuff, this I learned, he/it asked, when participates I him/it in adult, that nurses, would leave, for everyone, that doesn\'t know, is this a type of sexual fetish.
IchIch was in the hopsital for over one week with complications and although I had told him/it, before I, why I was there, was admitted, I, that was found from him/it, didn\'t have any ground why and had not disturbed to call and to ask for more info.
What is with him/it upward? If he/it becomes ver for himself oncealters, the babies are here? Any advice? If is this straight männliche behavior?


Best answer chosen by Asker

I can speak only of \'normal behavior\' opposite my own pregnancies with my husband, 2 children 2 miscarriages and preg w #3 with it 5 preg-Gesamtsumme, and this have been they for matter of normal long ago. Part of it sounds like him/it, is of eagernessüchtig, that the babies of a quantity of your attention, the trips and the data will get out w from the children, part of it seems him/it similar, doesnt the money wants to pass out the auto stuff, that he/it could do vs baby pieces, in order to get ethem-wichtige matters, some only, adult breast feeding, disturbs esp since is a pain, that the milk constantly lets pass on all, you, that are won, \'t him/it around those jugs:, or the part of them, that are hot, wants about.. this is not any pole chick his/its daughters, I don\'t think, that this like he/it will blow across, thinks and I also believe that it is wise, that you don\'t plan as you moved in with him/it back, not at least immediately. It sounds like you, puts in on mommyhood, and ot-Zwillinge, thereß yay and he/it degressing and going back to childish ways is. The manger thig is it rehearses it simply foully bc and didn\'t want to admit, he/it made itt-Unrecht... and für the hospital matter is he/it only an one * *, but it seems similar, that he/it had, the info was, that he/it, important, thought, you were O.K., he/it knew, what was wrong, but that is everything, which he/it wanted to know. He/it seems similarly, that he/it is not in the Berührung-w-Wirklichkeit and many signs show, from which and maybe he/it thinks that if he/it prepares her/it/them doesn\'t for her/it/them before lived, you and lives comes become be as it was in advance. Maybe as far as advice müssen you only one therapists sees, so that you have an expert opinion and get any good management as this, what you must do, and gets maybe only to work off to somebody, that isnt in your near circle of friends, so that they won, \'t that all know what goes on and so on, and sees, if it gives you a new outlook on him/it and this, what goes on?? luck and one doesn\'t have removed him/it your big moment from both way and has a glad baby!
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Thanks. I wasn\'t sure, if this w a normal way of copingäre, or not.
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Other Answers (2)

from Phoebe bull He sounds like a freak, nobody comments hotly on her/its/their own child being, abuse lets this write everything about it in the future.

normal behavior is not at all from Tere Chap It. Most Männer is over the moon over having children. You/they and I unfortuneately became with Mput together the weren\'t ännern interested. It sounds like him/it, is of eagernessüchtig on how much time, if you will dedicate your children, jealously, that they get to have your breasts, that they feed, where my Exehemann was jealous, I was told because \'they belong to me\'. It definitely is not alone easy rise your children, but it sounds as if Sie\'ll is better at it. Guarantee, thereEndures of ß you your ground and what is the best for you and your children, does those precious small people become the most astonishing gift of Sie\'ll per given.


been there, this had.

Wants, he/it nurses cause-adults in order to be smaller?

Wants, he/it nurses cause-adults in order to be smaller?

Knows these nursed babies remain I, that they say, longer small, but my nephew is in 6-9 months of clothing, and he/it now is almost 13 months. We bemühten us, to decide, if this normal, and that, for what the chances are the development from him/it a normal size-adult. Also würde I gladly knows, whether his/its small size could be, because he/it was introduced regular meal to young. He/it started in order to teethe 4 months and is adult meal gefit become üttert because he/it was approximately 6 months. If there is any proof too lowermostützen, whether or not starting of too early Wirkungen-Größe, that, with solid Essen\'d also is big.

from mommy to 2 small angels

Best answer chosen by voters

I setzee on, t believes, that I would worry about his/its small size,... now is my nursed baby 12 months old and is not 12 months in size too much bigger than your nephew so, that she/it is by 21lbs, and she/it ate also adult meal since she/it was by 6 months,... I had say her/it/them only to its DR. for her/its/their checkup and he/it, that she/it looks big,... only, because they are small, as a baby doesn\'t mean anything,... me was born 3lbs 2 oz, and I now am old with 28 years 5\' 7" and by 140-150 pounds... and all the clothing also runs differently..., so that the size of his/its clothing should worry you so very much,


my 12 months old nursing... 100 percent 1 election save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (6)

through nomllih, I don\'t know that my son is 5 months and carrying of 6-9 month clothing. From it, to speak, to dress you, kann\'t really goes, in that they dress, because gro some clothing companiesß run, any run small.

My son was nursed by July until October, then, I had to go back to work. According to ergänze I. Hes at least 17 pounds now. The doc said, thereß itself hes yearns,.., so that I aufsetze,weiß \'t if these means, that he/it will be big???

Everything, which I know, be nursed babies so, leaner than formula babies nourished, and this nursed, babies shop finally w/formula, babies nourished.

Thinks then, I, that my son is big, see other babies myself, and I am similar WOW!

through etc..... babies, who don\'t increase, if they are nursed, gets milk sufficiently not in order to support her/its/their bodies. My sister nursed M her/its/their small onead little and didn\'t even recognizes, that her/its/their milk dried up, the baby was, starved practical, nascent. With sixth months, my niece was only zwölf pound. This Baby\'s-Mutter muß guarantee that she/it produces milk in order to support her/its/their Babys-Wuchs or her/its/their counter to formula. Guarantees, he/it gets good Ernährung through solid meal, also is important. He/it shouldn\'t becomes food gefüttert or reduced calorie/fat-Essen.

from Rakel, I am not sure over the solid meal, but breast-fed babies, to eat, doesn\'t tend across, maybe that is, why she/it not to be seem, so big, as formula nourished babies.

through princess... nursed, babies don\'t remain longer small, because i and my 7 months nurses, 12 month clothing carries old. are parents small your nephew?

from Lexie S, that nurses, is healthy for babies... it helps her/its/their brain to work in order to improve

through, s2, s2... my sis almost is 9 months, and she/it nursed, and she/it inserts a clothing old 6 months. and she/it doesn\'t has a großen appetite. the doc says her/its/their perfect tense
but the nephew of my Hubby\'s is 14 months and attacks in 3-4 yr-Kleidung, they give him/it 2-3 times per day custard and tea. he/it was 3 months long gefütterte breast and began with 4 months of solid, the doc says his/its fine, but is very much very lazy and his/its doesn, t mutters even all words. because an average id-Meinung his under the average, although his/its family his/its großes for it thinks to be big, they think the better bigger.
but i dont thinks. if of i dont Größensachen your giving the baby all nutrients too much thinks,

Why is my 13 year old son riper over nursing...?

Why is my 13 year old son riper over nursing...?

in public, as many adults are? I have kürzlich several questions on about women, who nurse in public, concerned here, and many people put in very negatively dagegenüber. I assume, thereß the people, who feel with it well, the breasts as sexual objects, sooner from nourishing a child than a means, looks at. My son was worked as a nurse, until he/it was almost 4 years old, and my 2 1/2 year old daughter still works as a nurse. I guess, thereß my son comfortably with it is, because he/it was brought up to this way? I am curious to know which other people think. Fühlen itself people with nursing probably, publicly or not, because they were not lifted in order to assume ihn/es?

Additional details

To the people, who believe, that I nurse too long, you grow up. Working a toddler as a nurse is completely natürlich and normal, and BTW, my pediatrician supports it. Why you don\'t do any small research on the topic before the skißen away and him/it ignorant tinkles? * * * Rolling of eyes * * *


If you itself that I doubt would like to train, here a connection is to any big information about outstretched nursing:

Best answer chosen by voters

Populate in this wonderful society of us, it took voice in her/its/their heads, that is a nursing mother and a child shamefully and therefore must cover "upward and is "discreet", drips with sarcasm (you). many people let never seen even, thereß a woman her/its/their child nurses, and becomes so shocked and, because of the pubic factor shames, if they see it. A b then causes thiseyelet reaction, that equates to it, "you should not do that then in public, anyways", on to defending, WHY they feel this way, if truely, it is not her/its/their blame. That is, what is her/its/their blame, thereß she/it left, is carried away for itself with the herd, and says itself, that it is, indeed, shamefully, and her/its/their children pull up, about which to also believe.
When children are lifted this way, want small girls of "sexy" clothing to carry in order to boast about her/its/their breasts because they are sexual,.. right, and boys grow up, about which women too glauben\'s-Körper for her/its/their enjoyment is and therefore doesn\'t respect her/it/them. Therefore, even if these small boys and the Mad little grow up generous, respectful people in order to be intelligent, and decide that they, that her/its/their children are nursed, want to must work her/it/them through some feelings of the shame and of course, some impolite gazes on strangers and even family members.
And so the mean cycle continues and breeds ignorance and shame. We more probably are, advertisement zuzuhören as our own bodies and our children. Why würden we milk does, if our children should not have do it? Think, maybe there is, a basic nature gave us Brustdrüsen? But, despite this knowledge, and the undebatable-Tatsachen, thereß supports nursing, many people will give some inferior and artificial one to her/its/their children. Her/its/their logic opposes itself logic, but it becomes Mütter and her/its/their sons, and daughters and husbands, who choose, are her/its/their children PROUD and, to nurse SHAMELESSLY, without the covering in shame upward or, to hide this behind doors,... working of mothers, who make it NORMAL, our babies this WELL and, to give SINGLE nutrition for her/its/their small bodies, as nurses...
these are the people, who will make a difference for our next generation. and hopefully the mean cycle will hold someday... 46 percent 6 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (15)

from Vara I Tandemkrankenschwester my almost 4 year old and 1 year old and, to be honest, I has never met this personally even somebody worked so long as a nurse! I was sent the communication loudly, clear you on and regelmäßig that a woman, that in public or wants to nurse at home, whether it is an infant or a toddler, eccentric, fickle, becomes and the norm doesn\'t view.

I was manger baby a bottle-fed, playpens, and never, questioned this way of nascent lifted until I got my hands on some excellent books fortunately before my first child, thanks, was born Dr. burns out!) das\'s, as my mind started, itself too veralters, and I recognized the importance that these seemingly small matters can have on my child\'s future. I never had seen just, thereß a baby, who is nursed in public, but I would be decided, nevertheless I would be one of them.

ZumZum Anti-öffentlichen breastfeeders: Yes, I am, one of those never hushes up mommies, whom some of you loves, to hate. ICH\'m, that doesn\'t mock you with it, my nursing or putting of my righteous Brüste to the show. Indeed, it doesn\'t have anything, with all and me with you, that it does despite you, too machen\'m. I make it für the comfort of me and my child(ren, I also do it, because I feel, seeing nursing women and babies should be the norm. I fühle, that I support also other nursing women, and breastfeeders, in order to be because they really are the one, that need to see it. Für the silence of you, to be no jerk, but both averts your eyes and your keep, that go, or uses your commonsense and your compassion maybe and takes a moment in order to think about the beauty and importance of nursing.

from lady 205, I have old a 1 and 2 year and I nurse her/it/them both until they were 10 months old, unfortunately, she/it began both to bite the shit from me on that occasion this ages you, so that I began breast to pump her/it/them and to give, milk you in her/its/their sippy, makes hollow. I don\'t see anything wrong with it, f,ür the first year in shame or, to nurse privately. The matter is, people become easily gekränkt, they become uncomfortable if they see outside the bedroom or a film of breast.

I believe, that people only must understand, that nursing is natural, and it is not obscene to do with it, mothers don\'t get around shame, that drips on the next feeding the attendant, with milk without in above.

from Concerne.... yes, everything is scholarly behavior. Children were born with open minds, but she/it kis taught prudishly önnen-gesinnte. People, who were pulled up with this mindset, become worse, as she/it older becomes.

EsEs reminds me film "What Do You Say to of a very interesting part in the old Allen Funt a Naked Lady". he/it decided to find itself/themselves, how there other groups to a bare sex education teacher, without to know in advance,ß she/it bare would be, would respond. The first group of college students was, and they essentially got done with it. Maybe it has some großgezogene eyebrows given, as she/it first went in, but they assumed it from then on. Then, he/it showed the same teacher, who spoke with a group of women in middle age. You/they giggled uncontrollably like Schülerinnen and probably didn\'t hears even the lecture. One actually screamed, jumped from her/its/their chair, and ran out from the room the moment, she/it saw her/it/them. On a means, bev,ölkern you Don\'t becomes riper, as they grow older,; she/it becomes only-more minded.

If I saw a bumper sticker, that said, bumper subjclone do "minds, like parachutes, the best once if they are open." This is good advice. 8 percent 1 voices

through kerijean... I thinks, that this is, one fed question against not breast of fed breast. I was gefütterte breast, and I don\'t have any problem, my own children in public or, to work as a nurse at home. My two Söhne becomes hot, so that I can, cover \'t with a blanket upward. I remain covered as m, however, as much from myselföglich. I think people of the werengefütterte \'t-Brust is closed more to the idea of the breast feeding. Prestige to you dafür, to work your children as a nurse. MeinMein step, ages 13, jokes 13 and 15 was over my breast feeding at the beginning negatively, but they changed her/its/their opinions. Whoever are was my friend Kinder, 13 and 16 never were postponed from it. I believe, thereß everything with the education must do. On formula of pulled up people always becomes two times think about breast feeding. I wünsche, that all small minded people would get only over it, but she/it gewannen\'t. there will always be those, that avoid us for it to do what is so natural. Everything, which we do, können, hope is that they will open her/its/their minds and are not so negative.

through Belinda milfinda understands I, what you my, Lady205.

I grew in the same way. I twice never saw, as me nurses a woman saw. Now, thereß ich\'m a mother herself, I give a gigantic smile, if does a woman I in public as a nurse sees.

Some people were pulled up in order to believe that nursing is disgusting, or even, that it is unnatural! Strangely weiß I, but they believe that only backward people nurse. Many of those same women also believe, however, thereß of nursing of ruins your breasts.

I also believe that, if we continue to work as a nurse in public, discreetly with no decks, nursing then finally normal will become. Our Töchter will never place with the discourtesy upward hopefully, that we endured, must.

Somebody else first said in such a way: This country must disaccustom his/its grown husbands of the breast away and must return babies breasts! 8 percent 1 voices

through? Foolishly? Fällig 3/17/2010 goods my honored one, it is because we are surrounded by idiots,... lol, that why is.

Most people are informed about breasts and her/its/their true purpose of the media and MTV and through first-class time sitcoms... she/it is taught no facts, from a midwife, a doctor or everyone with something intelligent, to say on the matter,....

It only is DeshalbDeshalb conceivably, that they would be shocked with the thought, or God prohibits the picture, from a woman, that actually nourishes A CHILD with her/its/their breasts,... you knows..., because all know that all, for which they are REAL, spouses awaken, and filling from designer tops.

I believe that it is a sad sad world if people force women in bathrooms, or under decks or into her/its/their cars at a trip, in order to nourish her/its/their babies as if "so that nauseates", what we do,..., if it is that indeed, what we were meant, in order to do and that, something RIGHT is.

That expects, what nauseates, that a child eats in a room where people relieve themselves. The was\'s, that also immediately nauseates, is the ignorance, that ran amuck.

DeshalbDeshalb to those of you believe who that we should hide under decks or feed fill or go only home,... finds you at the shopping center or the park or in the mail ME... finds you, that I and I challenge THEM to tell me everything,... people likes you... the reason is, that people like I must be so irreverent and defiant.

Asker, Yay to you for nursing and for yay to you for it, to pull up your children with knowledge, intelligence, assumption and respect for a woman\'s body.


Luke\'s mommy

from Bomb_che.... honestly because of growing up in a sexual company is my first instinct to avert my eyes. Is similar, I, \'m fearful will be offended the woman, if she/it thinks, I look at her/its/their boob or something if I am indeed simply glad to see such a wonderful matter.

I really don\'t have any problem with people, who work as a nurse in public. His/its formula, the Ern,heads, that I find, to be disgusting and abusive!

I always have been a really modest person, and never was capable to bring me to nurse in public. I always went into another room, if we with someones-Haus weras, planned trips for middle men\'s feedings, as soon as she/it was older and could go longer, or simply avoided somewhere to go. I wünsche, that I had known about the wonderful stomach socks and baby wraps, that take discreet care into account! Is similar, I jargon get at the fact, that I know, other people find it abusive. Although is my right, and something, which I lowermostütze, I dont like the idea, with, to be stared with my boob out. Für those of you whoever can do it, I think AWESOME thats. I weiß is not over the boob, and is over the nourishing of your child, but to some people is, goes about the boob, and it bugs me! ICHMwerden more far with ease thereover, as I was, as daughter thinks nursing was. I didn\'t have any not nursing one lowermostützung. The single other, that I know, breastfeeder is my own mother, therefore I kinda fühlte looked at me as a monster like people at. Now, thanks for a wonderful network of the women on-line, ich\'ve discovered, thereß I not the single breastfeeder in the whole world, lol, is! Is a wonderful matter, and I pray, we können all, to do assuming company more more over something so natural, works together. In an ideal world, it should something is he/it we dont ungef thinks even twiceähr, maybe you exclude in order to admire.

I want a healthy regard to work as a nurse, at my own children passes on. Now there I older and a little wiser is, I know accustomed feeling for myself so uncomfortable next time. ICH\'m really gratefully für all big nursing facts and supports this on-line I found. With our nthere will be ächsten child to the back place no more running ones to nourish my child simply.

of cat, you see, that that is, what doesn\'t understand i, why to show a breast in public, is so abusive,... I doesn\'t understand, why breasts are sexual. Maybe it was lifted by parents, who land, i \'t-Vergnügen it as such. But to people, who find it abusive, why sees? Es\'s really merkwürdig that horror films damned people can look at and people can listen, you make hateful remarks about others for her/its/their beliefs, and like more badly thigns considerd-Normale and O.K. is. but if we, that are GOOD, make somthing how quiet you, do you actually hold our child, play you with them or sleep you with them, if they are scared, is it bad? I believe, thereß you a big son, to estimate, what you do has. He/it wants the most likely one(s) lowermostützung his/its wife and his/its sister, if they grow up and children of her/its/their own one have. instead of avoids you it and believes, thereß the breast only for him/it is. I believe, thereNeeds of ß for ween we MEN from the breast away and returns her/it/them the babies, for who they were done for it.


Still mother this to 4 months old nurses, I hope for ATLEAST one year,

day good through lady trinity there and blesses HER/ITS/THEIR HEART FOR it, HER/ITS/THEIR CHILDREN AS to nurse it yearn you for itself AS POSSIBLY! We need more Mütter like you! We live in a world, where of Mütter her/its/their children kills, become carried both and unborn records numbers in all the time and there are actually women, however, to love your children on here this lack, in order to criticize THEM for it! And that is exactly that, what is nursing. It is a way to love your child. You/they können it, to fill feeding, doesn\'t compare, because it is no valid comparison. Nursing is SO much more than bloß a way, to bring food into a child, \'s-Magen. It is love, it is comfort, it nährt and yes, you last, but not the least it is the extremely ORGANIC HEALTHFOOD! It is one super-eats. It is the finest meal, that our children will ever eat.
I believe that it is immensely sad, that there was even A critical answer to your question! It is a very sad commentary over our society, the women excited about something as beautiful as a mama pure did, selflessly, dedication to her/its/their children. Like immensely sorrowfully and merkwürdig.
I must say, after it spent any time in Europe, that nursing is assumed there, and nobody gives every attention of a mother, who nourishes her/its/their baby, something discreetly or indiscreetly concerned this! It is only one woman, that her/its/their baby ernährt,... that and nothing more. It is another way, thereß Europeans more are civilized as we are. In Fairneß tho must add I adds that mothers in the countries, of which I speak, stay is given to a monetary incentive at home and nurses her/its/their babies. Maybe, if we mother anböten, \'s such a matter in the U.S. would nurse more mothers her/its/their baby. Instead we offer free formula to them and encourage her/it/them, to theückzugehen, "", to work, so that somebody else can be paid to do the work, that she/it already have. What is wrong with this picture?
I know that you won\'t leave the uneducated, ethnocentric opinions, that are offered here, to have any emotion on it how you rear your children. I für congratulates one and applauds you for the wonderful work, that you do! I never was fähig, to encourage none of my 5 children, for to work much longer than her/its/their first birthday tho as a nurse, that I would like.
It becomes for me from your consecration to nursing and your precious children, impresses.
In answer to your question YES, that is of course why your son has the ripe attitude, that he/it has. His/its wife becomes someday, the wonderful perspective decides n fromtützen that gave you to him/it. You/they do a huge work! You/they make me proud to be a mother, who believes in nursing! Thanks!
Love and blessing
Lady Trinity~****I has a communication for the man, who compared itself, nursing to the urination and emptying of the intestine, I am quite sure, that his/its mother didn\'t nurse him/it, otherwise he/it would know the difference! wow * * * *


Experience and education.

durchdurch? LadyC? I was lifted in a surroundings where nursing was done in the bedroom or under a retentive blanket.

But I don\'t care if other women nurse in public. Although people are lifted a certain way doesn, \'t means, thereß she/it itself completely at it adjusts. I agree, thereß you descreet over it, to nurse because of the fact in public, should be, that many people find it abusive with it. But if you hush up it, and nobody weiß, which you even do, real then provides who!

I was nursed until a sippy-Tasse could go I and grip. My child, TTC at the moment, becomes länger is nursed if at the moment es\'s with totally possibly. 8 percent 1 voices

through Rhoda, I think, much is soooo thinks as breast as "BOOBIE" and particularly men, which women make jealous, does or therefore on.... SICK.. God gave her/it/them to us in order to nourish our children and, to support. I believe, thereß a wife (mommy) upward should cover, if they make it for public out in order to show only any decentcy. I kann\'t stands, if a wife her/its/their whole breast in Public leads out, not because his/its bulk, but because of which people you do.... STARS!! Which is soooo sick!! now stares some because of the old-age matter maybe. Not, thereß Un completely against it, but that is the honest truth. Many don\'t believe in it or don\'t go dafür, to still nurse on one year. I didn\'t gets, it , to do at all, because I never had entered each milk, but I don\'t know what I had done if I did. Un this not say of your injustice in doing of it, be only this maybe, why people stare at you??? being sad thereß mommys nowadays incidentally is judged, we pull up our children. I was judged in that one didn\'t nurse badly, but what I could do if I didnmachtmacht \'t milk with all and my doctor, schlie sharedßlich me with, was usless... what assume to starve him/it was I??? women what they must make her/its/their children healthy and sure and glad to keep must have the prerogative to do this,... because all is this thats important in the long run!

Because of his/its low class hid answer

In the AMERICAN breast, it will see with it, from adult men, as some sexual one. Women protect her/its/their breast behind bras and believe, thereß men pigs for it, to look at a woman, is, \'s-Brust. women schützen her/its/their breast like she/it, any type of sacred pieces, at which never should be looked by others, is. AberAber, as soon as a baby was born, will speed some women from her/its/their breast with the drop of a hat and will show the world. This is simple-minded M a confusing communication to usänner.
And PLEASE, you don\'t take the trouble to tell people that it is natural to breast feed. It is natürlicher, to pee or to wear out. We make this for closed Türen and everyone did that they were born since the day. Women only breast ernährt itself a few years long normally.
As you pass out breast feeding your children for the lot of time. I believe, thereß you with some doctors over it should speak. Something seems a small one over Kinder-Brust, that lives so long, away. 8 percent 1 voices

through lotus blossom

Because of his/its low class hid answer

I believe that it is fine. But I believe, thereß, if you become quiet in public, should use you a blanket in order to cover the breasts for you. Why it is so difficult, a blanket over your shoulder, to envelop?

from Angelina N

Because of his/its low class hid answer

If the child can go around, while it to work as a nurse, disgusting is. There is not any medical reason, as a nurse old till 4years, to work, and no proof, that they are healthier, thereß Nursing fine is, if it is made in private, there is not any reason to show the breasts to everyone because the baby lives. It still is a Personenkörper, whether is latched on a baby, or not. Esmag \'s these people, thereß shows, do pictures of her/its/their wifes-Scheide, if her/its/their baby was born, not show her/it/them these photos if the woman doesn\'t have any baby, why not?

* * * Why is excited? You, about which becomes, asked, bevölkern opinions, and they gave it to you, everyone here is entitled to her/its/their opinion, do you correct? 8 percent 1 voices

from Jadalina

Because of his/its low class hid answer

MeineMeine reaction depends on the way, that it did. Some women nurse the desire of everyone like sie\'wieder to see what they do. You/they whip this young dog out and snap on the child and then stare ungefähr as if YOU/THEY SEE to say? SEE THIS SOMETHING I"M, THAT POWER?"Es\'s, as if they almost challenge you to say something, so that they can get in over it in your face, how of course it is,.. frankly doesn\'t want to see jedermanns titmouse I, while I take the trouble to enjoy my lunch.

But other women are much finer over it. ICHgesehener \'ve, thereß unites, that I not even recognized, as nurses worked until I passed by right them. You/they had a small blanket or an Umhängetuch that agrees itself and the baby discreetly. It was obvious, thereß she/it itself more for it, to nourish her/its/their baby, interested, as they made a statement to all, that passed by. Those women get my respect. 15 percent 2 voices

Why do you not can, parents only understand each other?

Why do you not can, parents only understand each other?

Mommies, sometimes daddies also, why do we beat always and criticize each other over our other parenting-Glauben? Beside the religion part muIs ß this the part with the most palpitation and offends, and hateful comments. We really are SO ignorant, thereß we können,beantwortet \'t only other questions like the adults, that we to be claim? For example, if somebody asks a question, almost being in the habit of of her/its/their Tochter\'s-Ohr, this penetrates, and you don\'t believe persyou either pass önlich at penetrating a child\'s ear, why doesn\'t can, on the question or answer calling a bad person in a venerable way without this mother? They resemble going für nursing, when trimming, abortion, other forms of the discipline... all controversial topics, that people obviously have other opinions on it. This part should be one of the riper parts... wir\'wieder all parents für Gütesake! We know all done it uns\'ve, I am not innocent myself. But some people are simply flat cruel out.

Additional details

Tiny Beeny, I agree that it sometimes has guests. But sometimes, I become only geannoy seeing so how ignorant people are. Für a poor woman, who takes the trouble to ask a simple question, and people change it in one violent hit gaiety.


Oh I doesn\'t direct this on any individual person particularly, but the people, whom it knows, whoever are she/it.


i? MY family ((:, das\'s my philosophy also.... parent the way, that you want. not my child, not my problem. Natürlich, besides abuse and neglect.


from tiny Beeny

Best answer chosen by Asker

Actually I don\'t believe that it would be as fun without all the "drama." I lead a beautiful boring life, so sometimes, a good on-line cat fight is big conversation.

IchIch learned that you must have a quite fat skin to hang out parts of the Y!A parenting.

PROCESS: I get what you say. I fühle me sometimes bad for the wives of the arenmit the newborn/baby trusted \'t shares and asks a simple question after how much grain, about in bottle lol her/its/their baby\'s, to place. Some people können quite gruffly with it is, as they declare her/its/their answers.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
TY. I am correct vollst for youändig to.
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Other Answers (10)

from Connor, I don\'t try to do people, who trim her/its/their child feeling neccissarily bad, but as a man, who was trimmed, as a man, in general I believe, that it is a bad decision, it is not to be done, because you are her/its/their parent even tho, your body so that you are not entitled the election to makee.

I curse in order to train people so that they improve, formed decsisions can do. I fühle also advantage of me like my parents and treated me like a dog. Where they could crop my tail and my ears.
No I is a human being, and my body belongs only to me and me.


through another account again IHSP, that we all think, that we are right. There are very few topics, that open me armed, but a bad habit has i to be an instigator. If my answer becomes i into better manner somebody, e-mail and i over e-mail rationalizes, offends. I place auf\'t believes, thereß i always completely cruel was, but hello....., if you think that, I. I think more easily es\'s to make comments for it here, so the most from us jemands face could not say, and most of us are here switched on guiltily with a point or another at it.

from i? MY family ((: I agrees you, I place auf\'t everything takes to the heart, Bl, hereättert through, you defeat thumbs on me, you don\'t worry that I have my parenting-Stil what fits my children and my family. Everyone lifts her/its/their children the best way, that they, that has every others plan, conserve n. I am not right with any ppls parenting bt in agreement that I land \'t thumbdown or discards her/it/them hello her/its/their child is not my children so at all.


Mommy of 16 months old lil-Jungen and 1 months old baby girl ((:

through jen, I think this, only it is... we is all parents switched not on here. Some of the people on here is loser and trolls, who say only hurtful matters, because they don\'t have anything better to do.

For those of us, whoever actually are parents, I believe, that wanting it with the the best for our child, whom we are perceptive into none, does perceived criticism so badly at our elections must do.

from Neen, I agree completely with you on this.
It even disturbs me for others, only down a thumb, to give, because, if I answer only the question.

If I don\'t agree with you, I simply only say that, but offers other opinions, however, I always say that this is your decision.
Never rudly.

with glad b-Tag Aliyah! 3/18/09 I agrees you! We are all here switched on unh once or twiceöflich been.

from LesBes agreed

from Kriss the roles women games.
Men are the head
if woman.......

going back is through me! I weiß something SieWiedersprichwort. Some people simply are you thinks on purpose, and some people, whom I only think, do it, without to recognize, if she/it on the 15. Person stoßen, that inquires about placing grain in one bottle. So, I believe, thereß some meanness is and some is only she/it because he/it is annoyed.

ETA, I alter my opinion. lol. I believe, thereß people feel, that they must fight \'t for the child, who can, speaks him/herself., because I weiß, that I will always tell my opinion to \'m, that fights for the babies, who cannot fight for itself, at abortion and the CIO-Methode, because I feel like me. And ich\'m certainly this is, as itself others fühlen, if it comes too circ, ear, that penetrates, and so on,

through only calls you for me, agrees honestly i mommie
there are some matters, on which never says i over me here,
i dont says knows people, as old is i, i that wants to occupy itself dont with the critizism-i that a good parent is my old no matter i,
and i makes, matters, that i never would declare dont on here i, want themselves with it and 99 percent of the time i employs, comes you others for advice and help here and also declares you my opinion
but the other 1 percent of the time i is in a bad mood, and it assumes out i on these people here

but agrees all of it i on the whole time, you piss for me here away
but i hopes, that we all can understand each other, un, to hide from kinda, my opinions and this, didn\'t tire something

but as parents, we have all STRONG views, that we all believe, nd that however we us him/it dont the rite way and we do, jargon admits that this u knows

Will a husband become unlawful to his/its wife if she/it nursed him/it?

Will a husband become unlawful to his/its wife if she/it nursed him/it?

I announced a question about it to nurse the adult, and I found any Muslim, who defended only the hadith, because it is in sahih Moslem.
/ question/index;.

1, with which the hadith disagrees, the Koran, that says nursing, is only in 2 years of childhood:

"Mothers will suckle her/its/their children two whole years long; , that is, for those, that wish, to complete drinking. " 2:233

2, 2 further contradict hadiths in Mutaa Malik:

, 1)Yahya told from Malik of the Yahya ibn, that Said said, to me that he/it heard Said al-Musayyab-Meinung ibn, drinking "only is while the child is in the cradle. If not, it causes none flesh and blood coupling." Yahya tells from Malik to me of Ibn Shihab that he/it said and "but small suckles, or very much, makes haram. Relationship of it, brands M,änner, to suckle mahram." Yahya said, that Malik say he/it heard and "drank, but small or very much if it is in the first two years, makes haram. Small or much makes it haram for nothing like für what is after the first two years. It is similar meal.", Book #30, Hadith #30.1.11,
(2) Yahya tells about Malik to me that Ibrahim of ibn Uqba Said asked al-Musayyab ibn about drinking. Said said, "Everything, which occurs in the first two years, even if it is only a drop, makes haram. What always is after two years, only meal is, that is eaten." Ibrahim of ibn Uqba said, then, I asked Urwa az-Zubayr ibn, and he/it informed me of them/her/it resembling as what said, that said al-Musayyab ibn.", Book #30, Hadith #30.1.10,

It is so strange that any defends Muslim only the hadith because it is in sahih Moslem. Is sahaih Moslem more sahih than the Koran?

Going back to the Haupt-Q: Will a husband become unlawful to his/its wife if she/it nursed him/it?

Additional details

Superman and lUv Allah (swt) of n MuHaMmAd (see)

There is nobody insane, but those say, that defend this hadith and the stanza, that I quoted, that nursing is only for 2 yrs so that it is relevant to the topic. If any adult of a woman will drink, do him/it to her then unlawful, I only am surprised if das\'s true, if the one is, you are economical for her?


Sara: What, if the adopted mother doesn\'t have any milk in her/its/their breast? What if is not lactating from her/its/their relatives? This him/it let never said hadith drinks from one cup. This, which I over the other 2 hadiths, it mentioned that which says after 2 years, that doesn stillen,macht \'t illegally the child to the woman?


through sara f

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, to understand a hadith, we must know his/its reason and situation before the introducing of explanations

derder hadith over it, to nurse an adult, was for a family, that in jahilia, before rearranging to Islam, but after rearranging a boy, from who they found, adopted that adoption is prohibited her/it/them in Islam, and this boy is a stranger for his/its mother, in that he/it adopts, and she/it must carry for a very long time 24 hours hijab, that boy lives in the same house in order to therefore rescue this family, the solution was, through nursing however it wasn`t a real feeding, to turn a son of his/its mother\'s into this boy, like a baby, because sucks the mother\'s young didnt milk, but she/it placed her/its/their milk n in one glass, that he/it drinks it,

therefore this hadith is not people still born for married couples even Muslim, but it is for it, falls back, whoever adopted sons and want to hold together her/its/their family beside an islamic-Weg,

überüber the adopter-Mutter, the dont milk for it has to feed it, now becomes known in orphan protections, that that wants to adopt mothers, you get actual hormones to be capable to nourish the babies, whom they adopt, so that they turned her/it/them into sons, who granted too sharia, the hadith didn`t mentions that however, the cup part could be known about the reason of hadith to stop the jealousy of the husband so that the teenager son touches the woman of lived let she/it
the hadiths, that you mentioned over the age of the feeding, is true, but don`t forgets, that the hadith, that we discuss here, is not for all the case, but only for falls back families, that adopted a son previously, you so that is not allowed him/it for born Muslim-woman to nourish an adult in order to turn him/it into her/its/their son
over your main question, a husband will become unlawful to his/its wife if she/it nursed him/it?
, a man\'s judging, in the time of omar`s, that must be stunk milk from his/its wive`s-Brust, in order to avoid his/its stuck one there, because, if milk rotated heavily, about this cause a puerperal-Fieber, that can cause the death for many mothers, to get out from women`s-Brust, so that it was a serious case,
asked this man, that your question is he/it a son of his/its wife\'s, was you abu zarr`s-Antwort is unlawful, r for your wife besides abu massihood in one, said, is, that a baby thinks, that the man is an adult, so that he/it even is rightful for his/its wife, after he/it nursed him/it,
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Thank for continuing the discussion. Es\'s well known für fiqh, that not to nurse the adult, him/it unlawful does, but it is easy with doing exceptions if you collapse back, the one swig of milk of induced lactation and him/it had become become illegally nice to the Her.That\'s an adopted son, who is 16 yrs, that she/it can give him/it, old!
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Other Answers (3)

through mecca laran lol, in order to tell you the truth,
You/they are the first person in order to ask about it.
i doesn\'t know, because many men to see her/its/their wife\'s milk trying, how it tastes good like it,
which is personally strange to me.
but what the others must say, would like to find out i and would like to see



from Islamic Psycology Mulah, that stanza doesn\'t have anything to do with him/it, about which you talk,
Definitely there is not anything like for the hadiths in Islam, that says, that a grown man can suckle his/its wife.

How does this bring me in Jannah? LOL!

You can think approximately of all matters that definitely this would be on the absolutely last of a civilian and intellectual Art Question for the masses, that know better Al hamdoullah.

Any woman, who allows it, that, or any man, who asks therefore, obviously is insane and must let readjusted her/its/their brain. EsEs is für the infant\'s purpose and useful for manners to the child only.

through spider Salam Alaikum,

Ouzibillahi Mina shytan Al Rajeem
Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Raheem
Chapters 2, Al Quran Al Karim Translation or meaning,

2: 223
Her/its/their wives are your farmland, therefore you enter your farmland as you become and do, that that is good for your soul and Allah fears and reminds that you will face him/it one day! Give all the Gläubigen, O Mohammed, messages of the joy!

, In this stanza, during married men and women, to have sanctified sex with each other are encouraged, for, the Allah plentiful earth, the purpose of the marriage, if it is not to be brought any forth new generations, become live in which else can and the cycle of the life is kept the twirl, until Allah decides to bring it at an end? they are rebuked, about sex für the purpose of the reproduction, to indulge, and not for satisfaction of desire and unseemly deviations like vocal and anal sex.

Mothers should suckle infants two years long if they intend to complete drinking for her. The responsibility of the Fütterung and the dressing of nursing mothers in a suitable way rests with the infant\'s father. No Seelenbedit is incriminated ürfnis beyond his/its scope, you don\'t let any mother therefore liked because of her/its/their child, still a father suffers because of the child born to him/it. And thereß which on the father binds, binds the next also on the Vater\'s from family. Then, if they decide, the baby through mutual consent and after full discussion too entwöhnen, it is no sin for her/it/them in order to do with it. Still, it is für you incorrectly, to hire a wet nurse, provided, you pay off her/it/them as complete. And erfüllen you your depositing to Allah and knows, that Allah examines all your actions.

Context of the unveiling: The following stanza was revealed, as a woman, who had parted with her/its/their second husband, decided on it, again, you marry her/its/their former husband, but her/its/their brother rejected to let done her/it/them with it.

2: 232
If divorced women complete her/its/their waiting concept, you don\'t harm them again the marriage of her/its/their former husbands from it if it is arranged between them. This is an admonition of him/it under you, that believe in Allah and the last day. This is an ersprie, To take ßlichere and sacrosanct procedure for you! Allah weiß, whereas you don\'t know!

2: 233
Mothers should suckle infants two years long if they intend to complete drinking for her. The responsibility of the Fütterung and the dressing of nursing mothers in a suitable way rests with the infant\'s father. No Seelenbedit is incriminated ürfnis beyond his/its scope, you don\'t let any mother therefore liked because of her/its/their child, still a father suffers because of the child born to him/it. And thereß which on the father binds, binds the next also on the Vater\'s from family. Then, if they decide, the baby through mutual consent and after full discussion too entwöhnen, it is no sin for her/it/them in order to do with it. Still, it is für you incorrectly, to hire a wet nurse, provided, you pay off her/it/them as complete. And erfüllen you your depositing to Allah and knows, that Allah examines all your actions.

2: 234
Dies those of you who and leaves behind your wives, you let the widows contained for a time period of four months and ten days. If she/it this period vervollständigt has, no sin felled her/it/them for you, in order to let her/it/them always do something, with itself, within the borders of the morality. Allah weiß of your actions!

, It gives several reasons why this period was ordained by mourning,: it is a gesture of the respect for the dead persons; gives to the widow any scope eses in order to recover from the shock of her/its/their loss and matters, to think about her/its/their life and her/its/their future refuge across,; but-but over all, it guarantees that she/it doesn\'t carry her/its/their Ehemännerkind her/its/their departure of his/its home at the moment.

2: 235
There is not any sin they a proposal for you in doing of widows in mourning low or tending of her/its/their love secretly, because Allah knows the best which is in your hearts. Mediateühle for her/it/them takes in words, that been suitable, from is held, still masterly your marriage, until her/it/them her/its/their stipulated concept completed. Know, thereß Allah of that, what is hidden in your hearts, knows, you therefore are on guard against him/it! And know, thereß Allah Großmütig and merciful is!



Why are you against nursing?

Why are you against nursing?

Why teenager girls like wh0res can dress and show more skin alot, but mothers cannot nourish her/its/their children,

grow up people and stop to do such a fuss about something so natural.

if you don\'t like, like an adult then deals and sees away, you stop to talk about it. nobody forces you look.

from Ginger Ninja

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I am everything for breast feeding, it is the healthiest matter for the baby.
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Other Answers (2)

through Americans.... as me with my wife went out, she/it found out me, fed breast never had been. She/it said, "I will recompense this, must." Wooo-Kumpel!

through spellbound me not, i loves * * * *